Elena's Pretty Picture
"I found the secret to life - I'm okay when everything is not okay"

This page was my first ever when I started teaching myself to write web pages. This was an inspiration...a place in time. I don't keep this site updated. It's not evolving. I use it as a photograph into my past. I leave it here in case others may find anything here to enjoy.

It's likely that I may at some point create another Tori site. But for now, I offer you this memory. I hope you enjoy your stay here. Bright blessings!

Tori PictureI created this page, not because I thought the world needed another Tori page (God knows how many hundreds of Toriphiles have their own offerings to the web), but because I wanted a place to keep nifty Tori stuff before I lose it.   Here I store some Midi files that I borrowed from somebody's page (they wouldn't have put them there if they didn't want me to take them), some of my own Tori pictures, and whatever other cool things I find on the internet.

The above picture is artwork by fellow EWF and friend Elena.

So take your time and browse through everything that I have to offer here and feel free to drop me a line with any comments or questions.  I would love to hear from you. No, really, I mean it! That would just make my day.

Tori Amos midi files:

Little Earthquakes           Under The Pink           Boys For Pele           Others
Little Earthquakes
Precious Things
Happy Phantom
Silent All These Years
Tear in your Hand
            Cloud On My Tongue
Cornflake Girl v1
Cornflake Girl v2
Pretty Good Year
The Waitress
The Wrong Band
Yes, Anastasia
Little Amsterdam
Blood Roses
Caught A Lite Sneeze
Putting The Damage On
The Doughnut Song
Hey Jupiter
Father Lucifer
Muhammad My Friend
Professional Widow
Way Down
All The Girls Hate Her
Black Swan
Here In My Head
Sister Janet
Over The Rainbow
Take To The Sky
Upside Down
Ode to the Banana King
Daisy Dead Petals v1
Daisy Dead Petals v2
Flying Dutchman
Humpty Dumpty
In My Head
Over It

I found a wonderful site with Tori mp3 files here.
Another Tori Picture
Tori lyrics (as transcribed by myself, therefore open to corrections):

Little Earthquakes
Under The Pink
Boys For Pele
Other Tori Amos lyrics

Tori links:

Mikewhy's DentMikewhy's Dent
The most comprehensive sight in the Tori Amos Net Universe
Go here for news and stuff.
Poll of the Week   Tori Amos Poll of the Week

Jenny Minkman's Wrapped in your Papoose for sheet music and tori sounds on the web.

rec.music.tori-amos  The Tori newsgroup

Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, which Tori founded and is very active in.

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This tori ring site is owned by Chris Willenbrock.
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graphics by Kimmo of A Pretty Good Tori Page.

You are Toriphile number to visit this place since 3/97.

This page was created by me, Chris Willenbrock (mcfuzz@geocities.com)