Welcome to XQ4@, Inc.

Who or what is XQ4@, Inc.? KoRn On The Kob Our shrine to everything that's stupid

Search the Web using Java, Mocha, Capaccino, and Espresso Magic 8-ball

More cool links Downloads Bill Nye Labs PythOnline!

Download Internet Explorer 3.01 for Windows 95
Download Quake v1.06

Check out my all new KoRn page! Life is peachy.

Did you know that there are people RIGHT NOW in this world? (reload to update)
And tell me, do you think that it's pretty sad that only of them have visited me since May 21, 1997? Have some pity.

The national debt is AS OF THIS MOMENT and is growing at a rate of $9,000 every second . . . we suck. (Reload to update)

[Listen in to 94.7 KNRK (Portland) LIVE!!! 28.8 & RealAudio 3.0 needed]
[Warning to Parents] [Download RealAudio 3.0 and related products]
[SIGN MY GUEST BOOK!][IE 3.0 users e-mail me directly]
For those who have ActiveX installed, here is a goodie!!!
This is an ActiveX RealAudio player for 94.7 KNRK Portland LIVE!!! To listen in, listen through the MSN ad, and then press play again if needed. When you see "KNRK 94.7" in the Title row, reception begins. Enjoy the tunes!!! (28.8kbps modem needed)

Comments? Torture me by sending e-mail to: susuk_lim@hotmail.com (click on the mailbox)

The way cool counter courtesy of . Click their name to visit.

LinkExchange Member

This webpage is best seen and heard using Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.01 with ActiveX.
To download, click on the thingie up there somewhere.

Thank you to Monty Python for the sounds, Looney, and the Gumbys portrait.
Thank you to KatMeKat at www.mindspring.com for the 8-ball.

I last modified this on Wednesay, May 21, 1997 at 9:20 AM Pacific Standard Time.
Copyright © 1997 Susuk Lim. All rights deserved and fought for.