"We Hope You Will Enjoy The Show"
The NEW Revised Edition!

Nothing you can do that can't be done.....

Welcome weary travelers!

You are at the intersection of Abbey Road and Penny Lane.

It's a M A G I C A L place that once served as the center of the universe. Full of colors and sounds that no person had ever seen or heard before, it arrived like a supernova into our black and white world, exploded in psychedelic colors and left us just as fast.

You have entered an incredible simulation of this time period. So, as a great philosopher once said,

Turn off your mind, relax and float downsteam.....

What You'll Find Here

A trip down the foggy streets of Blue Jay Way....
Yellow Matter Custard dripping from a dead dogs eye...
Revolutions 1 and 9.....

For less experienced travelers, we also offer

New Fan? Do I have a trip for you!
Take a trip back to the fabulous sixties and experience Beatlemania for the first time! We'll take you on the mystery trip you'll never forget, and show you where to start and what to do. (HINT: Do not start your Beatle collection with "OnoBox". ONO="OH NOO") This trip is our specialty! Revised 10/97 and now in two parts: 1962 - 1966 and 1966 - 1970. Come take the tour again if you haven't been for a while!

Beatle Bytes
Keep up to date on all the latest Beatle News. From CD and bootleg reviews to news of the Fabs, this is your one stop shop for all Beatle news! Now with Hot Beatle Links!

Collecting On A Budget
Should you buy food or a limited edition Sgt. Pepper plate? Get Back Journals Volume 2, or car payment? How a Beatlemaniac on a budget survives. Now updated with information on new collectibles.

In My Life If you were there, you remember the moment you heard the news and the emotions you felt. Here's your chance to read and submit your stories of your memories of December 8th, 1980, and read how others felt.

Imagine This!
What would have happened if The Beatles didn't break up in 1970? Here's one fans' view of what their "next" albums would have been. Imagine the first three fantasy albums here, then go to 1973's "Band On The Mind Games" and The Green Album, their 3rd greatest hits collection! Highly satisfying for the obsessed Beatle fan!

Sign The New and Improved Pepperland Guestbook!
Want to become an "official" citizen of Pepperland? Take our Beatle survey and tell the world which Beatle song you like best, which one you hate, and what music you like today by signing in. Then when you're done, visit View Guestbook to see your post and how others answered the survey. The old guestbook is gone, so sign in again!

Only Blue Meanies Exempt From Signing In!

Whatever you do, do not press this button!

And here's another clue for you all

In the town where I was born lived a man who sailed to sea. He was a strange old man (yet very clean) who many thought was just a stupid git. It wasn't really fair - oh sure, he had Ono sidewalls, but people forget that these were once very fasionable. But if truth be known, half the things he said were meaningless. He often traveled to the Sea of Holes, returning with incredible stories of a place called Pepperland. "Nothing is Real" he would say to me.

I loved those tales of Blue Meanies and Apple Bonkers, but never believed these to be more than just silly stories. How could this land be real? He sensed my doubts, and with a foolish grin told me that "ob-la-di, ob-la-da, life goes on, bra"! Who did this guy think he was? Magic Alex? And what does this all mean? Whispering to me as if he were telling a secret, he answered "It means that life goes on within you and without you, for love is real and real is love". I was still confused.

Knowing he was losing me, he reached into a hole in his pocket and pulled out something he called a "Flexidisc". "If you listen to this song," he told me as he handed me the disc, "you might think the chords are going wrong." He paused, then added with a smile, "but they’re not! They just wrote them like that." I took the strange piece of plastic and jammed it into my CD player and for the first time heard the strange new sound he called the Nerk Twins. "And if you love me, the way I love you, you know what to doooooo...." the song droned.

Instantly my Universe began to change, for never had I heard a song like this! Up until then, I had been a big Sophie Tucker fan like most kids - but this new music was different! It reminded me of the old egyptian pot I unearthed a few days ago. Not a great pot, but a pot nonetheless. I flipped the disc over and it was smooth! I put it back in the player and pushed the backwards button. Nothing at first. Then, another strange song began to play. "Mary Jane had a pain at the party, what a shame, what a shame...." Odd, yet appealing in a fab sort of way. Little did I know that in a few short months the Silver Nerk Twins would have the top five slots on the Billbored 100 (1. Los Paranois, 2. You Know What To Do, 3. 12 Bar Original, 4. If You’ve Got Troubles, and 5. Mailman Bring Me No More Blues/What a Shame Mary Jane Had A Pain).

So begins your Magical Mystery Tour into the world called Pepperland. Enter at your own risk. You may never be the same. And one more word of advice:

Don’t be soft.

Try All Of These Fabulous Pepperland Tours!

New Fan Mystery Trip
Beatle Bytes
Budget Collecting
In My Life
Imagine This! Beatles in the '70s
Beatle Survey and Guestbook

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