Killiewonkas !!!!
This page will look really crappy on AOL , so pray to the browser gods that you'll get a good browser .
( Netscape is the best although I have to use MSIE due to my switch to AOL ))

This site has only been accessed times
since 12:00 a.m. , March 12, 1996 . Pitiful , isn't it ?
Sorry , to anyone who may have visited this page recently, I have been having many many problems with the computer. I am going to be updating & expanding the page alot soon, I hope.
I don't know what you will think of this , but just hold on it is in the process of me defileing it . It may take sume time so be patient. When Im done it should be as dysfunctional as any normal family .

If you have any suggestions , questions , or requests , just tell me them & I'll try to get back to you .

Contents Of
this Here Page !

  • my music page !
  • music I like & am involved in , etc.
  • Pearl Jam
  • my little page devoted to the Pearl Jams
  • my little tiny Drew Barrymore thing
  • my little page devoted to none other than DREW !
  • my art page
  • my own art from real life

    Please send any suggestions or ideas or opinions
    to me
    Here . I have recently switched ISP's (I didn't want to but I had no choice, they just left !!) so please send anything you have to say here .

    Go to these places, or I will brain thee !
    WonderJess's Home Page

    Also , you can Get a free web page here !
    GEOCITIES !!!!
    Links to other pages I like:

    E-mail me Here !!!

    {drew barrymore} {pearl jam}
    {music} {my art page}