To My Foot Fetish
April 4

Hello and welcome to my web page. It looks pretty obvious by now that I have a fetish for feet (female only). I am somewhat embarrassed by this fact and feel that it has haunted me for much of my life. Thank God for the internet, for that is my way to pursue my fantasies while remaining "in the closet."
Sorry it took so long for this update. The weather is getting nicer and I am finding less time to play on the damned computer. I wanted to thank everyone for the e-mail...I try to at least check for that daily.
Something to think about....I went to see "Private Parts" and I can't help get the feeling that maybe Howard Stern has a foot fetish. This was evident in the movie, plus the newsgroups were buzzing after he had Kelly LeBrock show him her feet on his show (which was televised). Any comments on this?
Again, I want to let it be known -- no nudity or kiddie porn here. If that is what you are looking for, then I am sorry, but you won't find it here.
As stated before, I do not take credit for these pictures...I have made a collection of pictures off the 'net and I am only returning some of the satisfaction.
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