The House Of The Rising Sun
Here you will find:
-My Tapelist be sure to check it out if you trade tapes
-The Ultimate Sport lots of info on the greatest sport around and Ultimate at Vanderbilt University
-Band Links links to pages of some of the best bands that musicians that have ever been around
-Other Links all sorts of other cool stuff floating around out there
Leftover Salmon- Get your daily dose of polyethniccajunslamgrass
The Band- The greatest group of all time
Bob Dylan- The Man!
Rusted Root- Excellent Vibes
The Official Greatful Dead Page- The music will live on after all the hype is passed
Woody Guthrie- The music you listen to, no matter what kind, WAS influnenced by Woody Guthrie
The Blur Of Insanity- The absolute funniest page on the internet- useful too!
The Onion- Another hysterical page