Abandon Hope All
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Number of Fools
who dared tread
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I would tell you but then I would have to kill you! (say nothing, act casual )
By the way who the hell are you? (and why are you bothering me)
These are the Things that Made Me who I am today (Click Here If You Dare)
Perhaps after reading my pages you will know the real me, if not you can go to
If you still don't understand it's time for you to "Drink the Punch"
Music -Links to great Bands And Music Resources
Friends On the Web -Cool pages by cool people
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Great Cartoons and Comics to purify your mind
- Links to Great Shows On The Tube
Newspapers - What we read back in the old days
Magazines - Online Zines
Astronomy - Links to galaxies far far away
Fun and Games -Links to the Strange, The Bizarre and The Unexpected
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John Zancanaro Webmaster and Grand Puba of this here site.