Mrrlyn's Magic Cave

Why hello there! I'm glad you could visit me here in my Magic Cave. Any of you who have been here before will notice the changes I've made, for the next few days I'll be working hard around here to make my page even better and to bring all my links and things up to date. I hope you like it here. I've tried to make this a comfortable and exciting place for everyone to visit. Oh, my name is Mrrlyn, what's your's? Well, come in and sit down, make yourself at home, go ahead and sit by the fireplace and look around a bit. I've made up some lists of links to some places that I like so you'll have some place to go after your done at my site.

Would you like to know something about me? Information is what your looking for! I've put together a collection of some of the things I've written. Some poems, stories, school eassys, etc.. One of my best poems is about my grandfather.

Some of my other poems and such I will be showing soon.

Right now I'm taking two really fun courses. Media Studies and Advanced Media Production. In Media Studies we examine the media and how it effects the world and our socity. In Media Production we play with audio and visual production with cameras and sound studios, etc... If your into music, lights or sound then this page will soon be for you. Until I get that page up and running you can visit Drew's Script-O-Rama. It's one of the best script finder's in town. Not only do they have movie scripts but there's a place to read and/or submit new scripts.

Visit Mrrlyn's Magic Guestbook! New and Improved!

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See here for my character creation rules for my ICQ runs

Here are my RIFTS house rules and character creation rules

Visit THE CYBERNETIC ROGUES. They host many PBEM(Play By E-Mail) RPG's including Shadowrun, IN NOMINE, AD&D, and the list keeps growing.

Visit my ICQ Chatroom page. It's a chatroom I made for Shadowrun the RPG.

I've been writing a story with a Net friend of mine, Graewolve. We don't have a name for it yet and it's still in it's early chapters but here is what we have so far.
My pages with links on them
The X-Files Paranormal Activity People's Pages The Arts Guitar's and Music
Star Wars Midi Music Games Programming Links

Hot New Pages!!!!

Fishing Salmon on the Miramichi River
Grease Lyrics

Top Fifty Reasons Picard Is Better Than Kirk
Star Trek Top Ten
Top 10 X-Files Lines you'll never hear
Some Star Wars Top 10's
A page for my grandfather

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Line around the world


Finally, if there's something your looking for and it couldn't be found on my web page, email me! I want to know if there's something important not on my page! Plus if you have a link you think I might like and should include here, by all means, send it to me! Now, you can go To my Search Engines Page.

All pages by Nick Gaston

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