You wanted to dance and feel the heat of the up-beat rhythm.
Well, you got it.
The rudest band in the land...
Welcome to LLLīs hompage!
LadyLovelyLocks is a young rude ska band consisting of six blokes from Leksand, Sweden: Thomas Asp - guitar, lead vocals. Nicklas Snis - bass. Jonathan Henricsson - drums, vocals. Staffan Snis - trombone, vocals. Johan Snis - trumpet, vocals. Joel Ludvigson - saxophone, vocals. Our music can be described as a traditional modern ska.
You're the cool strutter to visit this page since JAN-97

Last updated May 7 1999

New easy to remember URL:

The band unfortunately had to split up, because all members are now studying at different locations so it's pretty hard to get together. Although we have a couple of songs not recorded yet, so we're planing to do so during the summer. A reunion-gig during the summer may not be impossible if we can get together and rehearse.

- Check back later -

Some old sound-clips:

Twist Sensation --- 412 kB (Mp3/Wav)

A clip from our demo "Rude Vibrations" recorded in May 1997.

Where The Green Bananas Grow --- 529 kB (Mp3/Wav)

Another clip from "Rude Vibrations"

Suspicious Minds --- 418 kB (Mp3/Wav)

A few bars of Elvis' hit from -69. (Our ska-version offcourse)
Recorded "live" with a taperecorder from where we reherse.

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