H A R D L I N E ! ! !
Double Eclipse
welcome to the home of HARDLINE:
Lead Singer-Johnny Gioeli (plays Acoustic Guitar, Rhythm Guitar & Percussion)
Lead Guitarist-Neal Schon (plays lead Guitar, Rhythm Guitar, Cat Gut Guitar, Guitar Synthesizer (no keys), Vocals)
Rhythmist-Joey Gioeli (plays Rhythm Guitar, Vocals)
Bassiest-Todd Jenson (plays Bass Guitar,Vocals)
Drummer-Deen Castronovo (plays Drums, Vocals).
I'd like to take a few min. to introduce you to the guys.. and then walk with you through
their life according to Metal Edge..
Members Bio's!!
Johnny Gioeli-Birthdate Oct.5,1967 Born to Gasper and Madeline Gioeli. In Brooklyn, NY. and raised in Lancaster PA. His Hobbies are: working out in the gym (especially Gold's Gym), yatching, all sports and beachin' it. He was influenced by: Joey (his brother), Steven Tyler, Seal, Freddie Mercury and Sammy Hager. The bands he is in to are: Queen, Areosmith,Van Halen, Seal and Thunder.. Admires: Parents for mostly supporting their children's colossal dreams.. meaning behind Double Eclipse: A 20,000 year occurance where the moon passes in front of the sun twice in the same day. Definitely wont see the next one.. What he wants us to get from the Music: I want our music to make you feel good.. Favorite Song/Why: In the Hands of Time: lyrically it sums up all the handy work that takes place in achieving your dreams... Difference playing Europe vs. USA: European fans are extremely loyalto American Bands, they sweat as much in the audience as we do on stage!.. Why he likes meeting the Fans at the shows:Meeting new people all the time gives me insight fir writing new songs, especially those with large breasts and long legs! Just Kidding!..Describing HARDLINE: Hardline is an escape from the serious things life offers. Down to earth......Fun!! P.S. I hope the HARDLINE CD has had some kind of impact on you.... Took your mind off something or cracked a smile, whatever that makes it all worth while! Thanx a Million.. Johnny His wife's name is Lynnie and (were expecting last I heard not sure what they had though).. He got started by his parents and KISSat the age of 8.. Drives;'84 Taupe Corvette.. Likes the color Black
Neal Schon-Birthdate Feb.27,1954 Born to Mr.& Mrs. Matthew Schon In Oklahoma City, OK. raised in San Francisco, CA.. Hobbies: working out, racquet ball, shopping and Ferrari's.. Influences B.B.King, Buddy Guy, Jimi Hendrix and Jeff Beck.. Bands: Led Zepplin, Jimi Hendrix...I also get into the blues... Admires/why: father Matthew Schon, he is a musical genius... Meaning behind DOUBLE ECLIPSE That is very, very rare... it's exceptionally rare.. That's how we saw the album... what he wants us to get from the Music: I'd like them to get honest, entertaining, straight ahead Rock-N-Roll!.. Favorite song/why Likes the entier album.. Playing Europe vs. USA The eurpoean audiences tend to be more welcoming; they are much more wilder. I love them all... meeting the Fans! I like their enthusiasm and I love seeing them so excited about music.. describe HARDLINE: A straight ahead, honest Rock-n-Roll band. Strong melodies and guitar, powerful. Inspired by parents.. played piano at 6-7, Clarinet 7-9, Oboe 9-10, guitar 10-on..Fav.color is purple.. Drives: purple Harley, Jeep Grand Wagoneer, 2 Ferrari's, 308, Testarossa... Fav. T.V. show: In Living Colour.
Joey Gioeli-Birthdate May 31,1962 Born to Gasper and Medeline Gioeli.. In Brooklyn, NY. and raised in Lancaster PA. His Hobbies Flying (is a Pilot) and sports.. Influences KISS and Judas Priest, these bands were responsible for my involvement in music.. Bands:Queen, The Scorpions, Skid Row,Van Halen and 21 Guns... Admire/why My brother...because he's a natural... meaning behind Double Eclipse: A mysterious phenomenon... what you want people to get from your Music A good feeling... Fav.song/why "Takin' Me Down" because it kicks my ass... European vs. USA Because of the lack of concerts, Europeans appreciate bands a little more... meeting Fans You get direct input on how they feel about your band and your music... describe HARDLINE! A kick in the teeth, slap in the face rock band.. Inspired by KISS and parents at 14yrs.. Fav. Color has a son named Justin... Drives: S-10 Blazer T.V. show:Star Trek
Todd Jensen-Birthdate Oct.27,1957 Born to (unknown) in Portland, OR raised the same place... His Hobbies Skiing(snow & water), boating, hiking, camping, hanging out at the beach,traveling and movies... Influences Montrose, Deep Purple,Don Henley, Cheap Trick, The Beatles, The Stones, The Who, Led Zepplin, Queen, David Bowie, The Surpremes, Elton john, Jimi Hendrix,Eric Clapton, Rod Stewart, James Brown, The Jackson 5, Aretha Franklin and Smokey Robinson.. Bands King X, Exetreme, The Electric Boys, Van Halen and Areosmith.... Admire/why: John Lennon, he's the reason I started playing music... meaning in Double Eclipse: A Double Eclipse only happens once in a lifetime and that's if your lucky... what people get from your MUSICI'd like them to get an escape from my music 'cause that's what I get...Fav song/why "Life's a Bitch" because I had a great time recording that track. It's just a lot of fun to play. It's ballsy heavy & riffy and that's the kinda' stuff I like to play... Europe vs. USA The audience, that's the big difference. The fans are so into it. They wait in line all day, sometimes overnight. They collect all the magazines. I've never experienced such loyalty... meeting the Fans!: I just like meeting new people in general. You learn a lot from meeting different people, but it's great to meet the kids at the shows. There's always so much excitement in their eyes. It's a lot of fun... describe HARDLINE!: Five guys that like to have a lot of fun. It just so happens that rockin' tough and heavy is the greatest high any of us has ever known.... Inspired by- musical family..played drums at 12yrs. bass at 15-now.... 1st playing gig 7th grade 13 yrs...Playing bars in Portland at 17yrs..fav. color black & white.. Drives: Silver Allante Convertable... likes playing tricks on Joey.. T.V.show: Mchales Navy..Wife's name Shauna..
Deen Castronovo-Birthdate Aug.17,1965 Born to (unknown) In Westminster, CA and raised in Salem, OR... Hobbies: enjoys golfing and running...Influences Steve Smith, Neil Pert and Terry Bozio.. Bands:Manic Street Preachers and Vital Information... Admire/why Neal Schon for putting up with me.... meaning behind Double Eclipse I have no clue, you'll have to ask Neal... what people get from Music To get away from their problems when they listen to our tunes... Fav.song/why: "I'll be there", it has a smokin' hook, the hook works really well... Europe vs. USA They seem to appreciate you more over there; they are very honest....meeting the Fans I like to kind of get into their heads to see at sixteen and up what they're into musically an dI enjoy talking to them... Inspired by Alice Cooper, KISS.... Peter Criss at the age of 8yrs...Drives: '90 JaguarXJS..Mercedes 300E... Fav Color likes the 49ers on T.V.... Wife Shelly
Johnny and Joey Gioeli both have instructional video's for sell.. call 1-800-288-2594 Johnny's is about Vocal Endurance with Johnny Gioeli and how to sing properly......Joey's is about Basic Training with Joey Gioeli on how to play a guitar..
Neal is now currently with Journey
Deen worked with Neal in Journey
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