Hey! My name is Josee, I'm from Montréal and I have been a Guns n' Roses fan and especially an Axl fan since 1991. I have been running this web site since 1997. I discovered this great band with the song "Don't Cry" which for me is the best song of all time. On this site, you will find a chat room, the latest news, links for other GNR site, a couple of pictures and much more. If you have any comments or suggestions or if you want me to add a link to your GNR web site, just write!

Have you ever seen GNR in concert? If yes and if you would like to put a review on the web, let the other GNR fans know about your experience, just write it down and send it to me!

I would also like to publish your review of Chinese Democracy! Write it and send it to me at my email address, I will publish it! In the meantime, you can read mine here!

Latest updates: News (02-27-09), My review of Chinese Democracy (12-25-08).

Click here to view my guestbook from September 2002 to February 2007.

Click here to view my old guestbook (1997-2000).

"There was a time" when I had polls on this web site! Here are the results from previous polls:

"With which album did you discover GNR?" 1. Appetite For Des truction (729 votes), 2. Use Your Illusions 1 (154 votes), 3. Use Your Illusions 2 (106 votes), 4. Other (movie soundtracks, other band members solo albums) (64 votes), 5. Live Like A Suicide (60 votes), 6. GNR Lies (29 votes), 7. The Spaghetti Incident (26 votes).

"Which video do you like more?" 1. November Rain (144 votes), 2. Estranged (112 votes), 3. Sweet Child O' Mine (81 votes).

Warning:If you want to take any of the files that are on this web site to use them on your web site, be sure to ask me first for my permission. I didn't take the pictures myself but I scanned them, which is alot of work. Thank you!

A little bit of publicity:

If you have questions and want to ask an expert, you can do it here at Allexperts.com!

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