Welcome to Sharon's Erotic Homepage

Hi my name is Sharon, I'm 19 years old, from the UK. I've written a few erotic stories, some of which I put up here.
Here is a story I wrote about what happened to me on some rainy night.
And this is more or lessthe sequel to it.
You can read the concluding chapter of the story is here.

I will try to put up more in the future.
If you have written a story, about some hot experience, be sure to mail it to me. I'd love to read it and if it is really good I'll put it up here.

I'm working on an interactive story here as well. An erotic story of multiple plot lines and you can add your own chapter. Read more about it here.

And I love exchanging pictures... preferable nude but not necessarily. Mail me your picture and I mail you mine. And don't forget to sign my guest book.

You can see my pussy here

This is one of my favourite pictures ('tho not of me):
Vampire Girl

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