I'm glad you're interested in the Beatles and wanted to see my site, the BeatleZone. Unfortuneatly, it was hacked by a deranged N Sync fan. I kid you not. He/She/It deleted every image file and about half of the text files and pretty much made the page all screwed up and worthless. I have had the page since September of 1997 so I don't have the patience to fix it up again. It was a really good page too. It won about 20 various awards had had over 10,000 visitors. Oh well. You can go see whats left of it (there's still some good stuff on there) or go see my other web page which doesn't have much to do with the Beatles.

My new email address is trippycheez@yahoo.com so drop me a line if you're interested in finding some way to get revenge on the dirty boy band person who wrecked my sacred temple of Beatleness.