Welcome to Jørn Rune's Homepage
Which is made and designed by Jørn Rune!!
This is my first homepage that I write in the HTML-language. A language that seems hopeless to understand, but at a closer look reveals a certain logic. Yes of course, you can create web-pages in a program that does everything for you, but I don't feel like I'm in charge of things, I wanna know what's going on - you know. Maybe I'll use a program later, when I do know what's going on, but that's still to come. For now I just do it all in Super NoteTab v2,5.Before you go on I must notify you that I'm from Norway, that's why some links and stuff can be in norwegian. This is marked by a norweigian flag.
Some words to describe my self
Click here to see a list of homepages to people I know or sites that I just find funny.
Click here to read some poems, mine and others.