Welcome to Jørn Rune's Homepage

Which is made and designed by Jørn Rune!!

This is my first homepage that I write in the HTML-language. A language that seems hopeless to understand, but at a closer look reveals a certain logic. Yes of course, you can create web-pages in a program that does everything for you, but I don't feel like I'm in charge of things, I wanna know what's going on - you know. Maybe I'll use a program later, when I do know what's going on, but that's still to come. For now I just do it all in Super NoteTab v2,5.

Before you go on I must notify you that I'm from Norway, that's why some links and stuff can be in norwegian. This is marked by a norweigian flag.

Some words to describe my self
Click here to see a list of homepages to people I know or sites that I just find funny.
Click here to read some poems, mine and others.

This site last update: 09.14.97 - Sorry, the counter is broken.
Please E-Mail me if you have any questions. This is my first HomePage so it's not complete yet!I wonder if it ever will be? SIGH!
I'we given up on this, and vreated a new one... ..right here.. ..hopefully it will be updated a bit more often than this page (Desember 2005)
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