Hi, I'm Leslie, I started this
website when I was in 6th or 7th grade, when I spent a lot of my free time on AOL.
And since I never update this thing anymore, I'm deleting most of it b/c, if you ask me, it's pretty gay.
Some simple things about me: I'm a senior in high school, I work in a florist,
I will probably major in an art field when I attend college, I drive a piece of crap Toyota Camry,
and I hang out w/ my best friends Shannon, Steve and Kev.
But aside from that, you don't really need to know all that much more about me.

Hanson sucks!!

See some of the bands that I liked when I was 12...

My friend Jeff's Quotes

Wanna see some random hotties?

To check out some pics I have of my friends... click

Click here if you wanna know about cool curling stuff...

My friends... they're cool


Click here for cool pictures of my curling friends...

Check out all my Taz pics!

Here are really cool links!!!