times since
12 November 1997
Lastly updated on


Other Stuff |
Search Yahoo, Altavista, WebCrawler, Excite,
Lycos, Hotbot, Infoseek, Metacrawler,,
Netfind at once with a nice Java Script. Quicker
and easier..
Guitar Chords Select
chord name to see how the chord should be played
on a guitar. Nice Java Script.
Link |
I would be
glad if you put a link to ECO Midi Center at your
own site with this gif. 
Guest Book, E-mail & ICQ |
The only gain of this site is
your likings so Please Sign My Guest Book and provide your comments Please feel free to
contact me. You can send your comments about this
site by filling in my Guest Book.
You can also send an e-mail to:

Eren Caner Orhan
My ICQ Number is 6072099.
The only thing you have to do is to add me to
your contact list and chat with me when I'm