

Formerly "Hanson Opinion Page"

Hi, I am the original creator of the Hanson Opinion Page. I had to give it up for a while, but now I'm taking it back and making some major changes. No one has given any severe objections so far, so don't start now.

I want this page to be one of the more intellectual and calm ones. Not "Who loves Zac the most" or "Who has the most pin-ups." This is for people who enjoy the Hanson's music, not just their faces.


I'd love to read stories of true and made-up encounters with Hanson. This can include receiving e-mails or letters from them, meeting them in person, or anything else that has brought you in contact with them. E-mail your story to me, and PLEASE label it as true or fictional. If it isn't labeled I'll put it in the fiction section.


Hey, I'm accepting pictures again. If you have a favorite picture that you would like to see on this page, please send it. Send a picture


These links are to pages I thought were well-created, funny, whatever. Or if people begged me to put their link up, I did. :D

Click Here for Lyrics to "Cried"

My opinion on the "I Will Come To You" Single

Today I got the IWCTY single, and I have only listened to "Cried," so if the other song is a different version than the one on the Middle of Nowhere album, I am unaware of it.

I really enjoyed "Cried." I was amazed to hear Taylor singing those lower notes, but I thought he sounded really nice doing it. Ike's backup singing complimented Taylor's lower parts well. The song was more like other songs that are popular now in its style and sound, but it still had its unique edge to it, so one could tell it was by Hanson. I think the thing was that it didn't sound so studio-enhanced as some of the songs on M.O.N. do. If this is an indication of how their next album is going to sound, I think I will enjoy it more than the first one. Taylor still did a bit of gasping, but it was balanced out by the calmer sound of the rest of the song.

I do have a problem with the insert to the single. Taylor is sitting there in the middle with his face all lit up, and his poor brothers are pushed off to the sides in the shadows! Since when is this the Taylor Hanson band? I thought "Hanson" was meant to encompass all three of them. I really hope this exploitation of Taylor's crush-based popularity was the work of some money-grubbing executives, and not a decision of Hanson themselves. I know if I was in a band with my siblings, I would not say "Oh, that's okay, we'll let so-and-so be in the spotlight and I'll just be hiding in the shadows." It is ridiculous. I hope some other people agree with me on this point.

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