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September 6, 1998 Progday,Chapel Hill, NC concert review
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Roine Stolt
Le D'auteuil, Québec,Canada May 17,1997
Photo courtesy of Richard Blouin
Words From Roine Stolt, 1994
In early 1993 I decided to record some songs, that can be
classified as symphonic
rock, for a possible future release on CD. When I wrote
"The Flower King" I had no doubt that it was meant to be
the titles song for this record.
In a way I wanted it to be a statement - like "I support
the good forces, love, light
and kindness". I wanted it to come out as an alternative/opposite to the countless
destructive, dark n' evil hardcore death-trash-speed-black'n suicidal metal music of
So I created "The Flower King" ' Prophet, Healer, Hippie, Joker, Spacetraveller,
The Great Gardener and possibly....son of God.
In a time where sometimes power and money is our only Gods, we have to stop and
ask ourselves- 'who's side am I on" ,with what do we feed our heads, what becomes
of our children when violence, greed selfishness and terror display everyday on
It's about time we move in a new direction, now, before it's too late.
When I recorded these songs there were some mysterious moments when I felt the
presence of unknown forces, possibly evil.
Real spooky things happened, two times the light went out for no reason at all,
although the power was still on! At that time I just wanted to leave the house.....
through the nearest window!
But these "incidents" only made me more convinced that the world need all the
positive vibes from "The Flower King" today
So from now on, please put your energy where it belong, in the service of good
forces, regardless of your religion, or if you're an athesit and maybe oneday.....
"we'll unite the divided, and the fallen one will serve The Flower King".
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