SOLID SOUNDS web page.
We are looking for a drummer in the Madrid Area!!! Anyone interested? leave a message in our guestbook, please.
Urban Nonsense... is a new thing.


Updated in August 26th, 1998
SOLID SOUNDS is an Independent grunge band from Madrid, Spain, mostly influenced by almost the whole Seattle and Portland music scene (Nirvana, Mudhoney, Pearl Jam, Everclear...) and other great bands like Silverchair or Bush.
We hope you enjoy your visit. And don't forget to sign our GUESTBOOK, we'd appreciate that. Thanks and remember: "All in all is all we all are" Kurt Cobain in In Utero's "all apologies"
Real Audio files of the band
Last Update: We have added an acoustic version of "8 hours", "Scissors" (different version) and "Dolphin"...
You can find here the lyrics for almost all of our registered songs...
 Pictures of the band
Wanna see how we look like? We have a few pics to show you...

If you want to send us any comments on this page write us an email to:
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