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We are a three piece punk band from Timmins, Ontario, Canada. We promise to expand this page soon. In the meantime why don't you drop us a line in the Guestbook.



The members of CUD are:

Dave Sloven: Guitar, Vocals

Buddy Joly: Drums

Cleatus Birthmark: Bass

We recorded an ep almost two years ago. We tried to sell it, but we weren't even happy with the way it turned out. We did it at Sound Dimensions in Timmins. Here are short samples from each track on the ep. It is currently the only material we have to put on the web. We guarantee you that our new stuff is much better. We will record this spring.

All the samples are .wav, 8KHz, 8-bit

I.B.T. (23sec 182Kb)

Smile (25sec 197Kb)

Ear wax (34sec 269Kb)

Seventh Heaven (24sec 193Kb)

Dimension Seven (45sec 358Kb) (By the Wipers, as recorded by Nirvana)

Inane (34sec 272Kb)


Please check out the ChewCud records page and the ChewCud productions page.

Sign CUD's guestbook View CUD's guestbook

If you have any questions about the band please e-mail us at:


None of this stuff is copyrighted but please don't copy it anyway.

people visited us since Oct 2nd, 1997.


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