KISS the hottest band in the World! Two shots here one from 1978 and one from 1996!!
Hello Maniacs!! This page is dedicated to the people who are a (ex-)member of the Dutch KISSmailing list called SMAK. The people you see here had the guts to send in their picture and tell something about theirselves....
People who already gave their contribution are:Marc vd Logt, Rietta Kemperman, Ewald Jansen, Erik de Boer, Erwin Baron, Robert Hofman, Willy, Edwin , Marcel Potter, Arjan Zeedijk, Annick, Rob Buchholz, Patrick Pos (Domino), Joop van Pelt , Bas Hermans, Jascha Leenhouwers
Favorite Kiss songs; "Do You Love Me", "Take It Off", I'll Fight Hell To Hold You" "Deuce", "Turn On The Night", "Shout It Out Loud" and "Strutter".
Favorite Kiss Album; "Alive 3"
Favorite Kiss Videos; "Konfidential" en "Exposed" (he hopes it will become "The Official Tiger Stadium Worldwide Alive Video")
Favorite bandmember: Paul Stanley
Favorite line-up: Paul, Gene, Ace & Eric Carr
Always been fan but in the time of "Hot In The Shade" it was a hard time cause his other favorite bands released much better albums like:
Motley Crue - Dr. Feelgood
Bon Jovi - New Jersey
Warrant - Cherry Pie/D.R.F.S.R.
Poison - Flesh & Blood
and he named just a few in his opinion!
After the release of Alive 3 he is back to Kissmania.
He has seen them 6 times: '88 (M.O.R.) incl. piece of Paul's guitar, '92
Countdown (touched bass of Gene), '96 Brussel and Rotterdam with nice pictures
(, '97 Gent and Utrecht. He has now 7 guitarpicks!
Nice to know is he wanted to visit the show in 84 in Zwolle but his mom didn't allow him. He was just 13....and hardrock concerts were dangerous!
At the moment he is looking forward to the release of a Alive/Worldwide (Official) live-cd and video + The Kiss Action Figures !!!
You can email Mark here!
London '92
Countdown '92
Fame Amsterdam '92
New York '96 (4x)
Brussels '96
Rotterdam '96
Dortmund '96
Gent '97
Utrecht '97
London '97
You can email Rietta here!
This is Ewald Jansen
Ewald is 30 yrs old. He is fan from 1978 till 1983, then retired and picked them up at 1993 again!
You can email Ewald here
This is Erik de Boer His name is Erwin Baron
He collects eveything of KISS. He saw them for the first time on tv...yes the videoclip of I was made!
He immediately wanted to know everything from this band and became a big fan. He has even a KISS related tattoo: the same rose as Paul Stanley has! He saw KISS in:
1988 Monsters of Rock Tilburg
1992 Countdownstudio Hilversum
1996 Donington.
After Donington he saw them 4 times more! To Erik is
the best band of the world. The music is
simple but very catchy, interesting and timeless! The show KISS does is unique and no band could tip on that level.!
You can email Erik here!
They have been collectors of a lot of stuff but sold almost the entire collection in 94-95.
Still the KISSvirus remains and cannot be terminated! They saw KISS in Holland, England, Germany and Belgium. They met them backstage in Birmingham in 92. While shoping they met Gene again in London '92.
Liked KISS best with Bruce and both Erics! Still the reunion is a great happening!
You can email Erwin and Willeke here! This is Robert Hofman
You can email Robert here!
You can email Willy here!
This is Edwin from Dordrecht, The Netherlands
This Marcel Potter.
He is 26 years of age and he has a 11 years older brother who had those albums of KISS in that time. He liked the sleeve of LOVE GUN so much that he had to "borrow" the album to listen to it and after that his soul was sold.
Right from the beginning he was an ACE freak because of the song SHOCK ME and it's solo. He still knows he was so dissapointed that he couldn't find another record with a song that Ace sung. Ace made him start playing guitar and now he is playing in a hometown group called the Driefstang.
He works in the Computer Service branch and I live together with a lovely lady, who now follows KISS after she saw the Brussels reunion gig.
You can email Marcel here
This is a little story about Arjan Zeedijk
He is KISS fan since 1978 (he saw a picture and was sold immediately - only after a few months he discovered that they also make music). His favourite song is 'mostly' STRUTTER, as you can see on the Gent video (He throws the banner on stage which said We Got The Hottest Band KISS, We Want The Hottest Song STRUTTER).
He has visited some shows over the last years (Zwolle 1984, Tilburg 1988, Donington 1996, Brussels 1996, Rotterdam 1996, Dortmund 1996, Gent 1997, Utrecht 1997, London 1997). Unfortunately not Leiden 1980 (because he was to small according to his parents)
He also likes to play squash and tennis, riding on his bike and listening
to other bands (a.o. Gorefest, U2, Iron Maiden, Sepultura, Van Dik Hout,
etc.). He also likes to visit concerts of all kinds.
You can email Arjan here!
My name is Annick, and I am a KISS fan for 20 years, This is Rob Buchholz.
He is a student in Psychology and his major is working and organizational psychology. He also follows some classes in American studies. These studies are at the University of Nijmegen so he travels every day by train to get there.
He knows DJ KISS aka Peter (your humble listowner) since summer of '96 when we started the Dutch KISSmailinglist called SMAK!
KISS is one of Rob's favorite bands since 1979. But HIS number one band is the greatest rock and roll band: The Rolling Stones. he has seen them several times live in concert. In Holland, and many other places in Europe. Other favorite bands are: Bon Jovi, Van Halen, U2, Bruce Springsteen, Prince, Metallica, Guns and Roses, Led Zeppelin, Oasis and Rowen Heze ( a Dutch band).
Kiss-concerts Rob visisted: 1996: Brussel, Rotterdam, Oberhausen, Dortmund 1997: Gent, Utrecht.
He is also a big soccerfan, he has no nr 1 team. He likes to watch many games on tv.
He is also welknown/notorious in his hometown in all the pubs. So if you want to drink a beer with Rob in Venlo...that's fine with him. Especially good looking girls because he is single :o)
The picture is token during the Carnaval Parade in Venlo 1998. Lookin weird huh?
Note from webmaster: it IS make-up after all okay.......?! LOL
You can email Rob here!
This is Patrick Pos.
Hi Mate,
My name is Patrick Pos. Kiss fan since 1978.
I'm collecting video's and rare items.
My wife married me in 1991, and we got 3 kids Joey Peter, Eric and Jamie Beth.
I saw Kiss in 1980, 83, 84 , 88, 96 and 1997. All line ups are great for me, every era has there own special feeling.
I have a KISS tattoo and the Paul Stanley rose.
The feeling of KISSmania express itself in the song Flaming Youth.
My uniform is leather, and my power is my age. Getting it know what i mean.
The picture is for me unique. My son (Eric) was very sick at that time, and Ace signed a letter to him with" to Eric, get well"
Believe it or not, the little one 6 months old and lying 17 weeks in the hospital. He came out a couple of day's after Ace wrote the letter.
Dreams come true!!
See ya Patrick
You can email Patrick here!
This is Joop van Pelt (runs KISS Kollector Fanclub Holland, and publishes the KISS Kollector magazine)
He is born: May 19, 1969 in Nijmegen (Holland); currently living in Ankeveen (Holland). He wheels: Kawasaki ZL1000 Eliminator. He is KISS fan since: May 1979
The number of KISS concerts Joop attended until June of '97: aprox 40 shows in Europe, USA and Australia. His collection: bits and pieces from merchandise, items, collectables and such from the 70ies, 80ies and 90ies.
Joop's favorite items of collection: pinball machine, view-master set, t-shirts, tourbooks, bootlegs, promo releases and documents such as stage/costume designs, confidential (management) letters, contracts, songlyrics and personal letters/messages from bandmembers.
His fond memories: first time he met bandmembers; hanging out with Paul & Gene in England and France during their 1994 promo tour; hanging out with the band backstage at Donington '96; meeting Eric Carr's parents in New York and many other memories.
Other bands Joop loves: Stray Cats (rockabilly trio from New York) + their solo projects.
Other bands/artists that Joop likes: AC/DC, Aerosmith, Bad Company, Blackjack, Black Crowes, Chuck Berry, Creedence Clearwater Revival, the Doors, Django Reinhardt, Elvis Presley, Free, Gene Vincent, Jimmy Barnes, Johnny Burnette, Led Zeppelin, Megadeth, Metallica, Motley Crue, Motorhead, Mucky Pup, Nirvana, the Police, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Suicidal Tendencies, Thin Lizzy, T-Rex, Van Halen, Velvet Underground, White Zombie, the Who, Y & T, ZZ Top and many, many more.
You can email Joop here!
You can visit the KISS Kollector Fanclub here!
This is Bas Hermans. Here is what he wants to tell you:
Hello Kiss Maniacs !
My name is Bas Hermans. I'm 27 years old, and i'm a great Kiss-fan since
1978 ! I live in Belfeld (Holland) with my girlfriend Saskia, and our two cats:
Ted & Drupke ! And I'm working as a truckdriver.
My favourite Kiss song = I stole your love
My favourite Kiss album(s) are : Rock & Roll Over, Love Gun & Destroyer !
I got "infected" with the Kiss Virus, when I got the Alive II album for my 8th birthday from my parents. I will always thank them for that ! That album changed my life !!
I'm such a big fan, that last year in January (1997) i even got a Kiss-Tattoo !!!!
See the picture above. I'm very happy and proud with that tattoo !
I saw Kiss live in concert in 1984 and 1988, and saw them seven times during their reunion-tour !
Some of the other bands I like are: Black Sabbath, AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Deep Purple, Metallica, Rainbow, Whitesnake, Aerosmith and the Rolling Stones !
You can say that I like the "classic" Rock/Metal bands the most !
I really like to get some E-mail from other fans from all over the world !
I'm looking forward to get some mail from you out there !!!
You can email Bas here
This is Jascha Leenhouwers and this is what he wants to tell you:
My name is Jascha Leenhouwers. I was born in Oostburg on 27-8-1971 and I currently live in Wageningen. I work at the Agricultural University as a PhD student in Animal Science after studying Biology at this same university.
My hobbies are listening to music and playing guitar.
I first saw Kiss in 1979 on Dutch TVand I was immediately hooked (on Rock and Roll!!). I saw them in concert for the first time in Tilburg '88 and after that four more times on the Reunion Tour.
My favourite Kiss period is from 1974-1978, including the 4 solo albums, of which I think the Peter Criss album is really underrated. However, every Kiss album after this period has its strong moments. One of the things I admire Kiss for, is that they seem to have the ability to write good songs in different musical styles.
Good examples are the pop rock of Unmasked and the grunge influenced Carnival of Souls. Since a few years I seriously started collecting Kiss vinyl, bootleg CD's, videos and other Kiss collectibles.
I'm looking forward to the Psycho Circus album and tour and I hope Kiss will establish themselves again as the Hottest Band in the World!
You can email Jascha here
Here you can see some of the guys who joined the SMAK-Mailinglist!
Email the SSIKGallery Webmaster here!