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The Unsigned Band Webring

Welcome to the homepage of the New Unsigned Bands Webring. This ring was set up to provide web users with a quick and easy way to find out what's new in the way of music in the UK, and other countries. It was also designed to help new bands to get a bit of free publicity and let them see how other bands are promoting themselves on and off the net.

To qualify for submision to the ring you must satisfy the following requirements:

  • Have a site dedicated to a unsigned band.

After submission, your site will be added to the webring queue. In order to have your site moved from the queue into the actual ring, you must display the webring's HTML fragment on your index page. Once you have the HTML fragment on your page, you must E-mail the Ringmaster so that he can check your site out and then add you to the ring.

If you have any problems regarding this webring, please do not hesitate to contact me at
