MY INPUT I think we need more bands like silverchair and Hanson. I personally think they're the only honest bands out there. But don't get freaked out that I'm gonna like silverchair more than Hanson, b/c that will never happen. Hanson are the band that influenced me so much, only my true friends know.
June 1, 1999,
Hanson has come out with a new discography disc called "Star Profile". I finally got it!!! Yay!!! It only cost me $9.99. I think that's a GREAT buy!!!
(updated*7/11/00* 11:01 PM):
#1. Hanson has put up tour dates on Hansonline. So I suggest you check out the tour section soon and keep going there!!!
#2. Hanson did a chat with MSN Saturday, June 17. You can check out the transcript at
#3. The company(SFX) who was said to have bailed on HANSON has not. In fact, SFX is very disgruntled that a magazine would put that in there without their confirmation on that subject.
#4. Hanson did a chat with on Yahoo! tonight at 9pm EST. Check out the trascript at Yahoo!. Look under the music section in the transcripts.
#5. Keep on voting for Hanson's vid "If Only" on MTV to get them back on the countdown!!! We've been doing a GREAT job at that b/c Hanson been #1 a couple times!!! Let's keep this going!!!(MTV)
#6. I've been doing some MAJOR updating on my site, so go check out the individual pics pages and the group pics page. I've re-vamped all of them!!!
March 15, 2000, Hanson released the "If Only" cd single 1 in Australia.
March 17, 2000, Hanson released the "If Only" cd 2 single in Australia. (you can usually find them on Ebay or Yahoo! Auctions from between $5 to $20)
March 6, 2000, Hanson released "This Time Around" single to stores across the country.
May 9, 2000, Hanson, finally, released "This Time Around" to stores everywhere. K-Mart was giving away posters with the album for free.
My interests are:
Hanson(of course), Silverchair, writing songs, my incredible boyfriend, Aaron & singing.
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