I'm 23.
I am a voluntary insomniac.
I am trying to
study electrical engineering.
pictures of me
sand castles, places and
other creepy stuff.
3D Renderings
eye candy stuff
My chrome spray-painted monitor
(and butchered keyboard)
Wood PC box
(could this be considered a case mod?)
hardware stuff
Engineering project - robot
Linux-based Home Automation
Keyboard Gamepad
Intellimouse repair
Altec Lansing ATP3 Repair
microcontroller stuff
PIC programmer (noppp - linux - parallel)
my other PIC programmer (jdm - windows - serial)
stepper motor pulse translator
- converts ccw/dir signals into coil pulses.
PIC16F84 based Alarm Clock
PIC16F84 based color organ
PIC16F84 based keyboard -
Gamepad modification
ATMEL vs PIC webpage (also corn vs potatoes
and toothpaste vs soap)
software stuff
VideoCL (Div-X Player for a TV)
- awfully outdated system
OpenGL tree chopping demo
OpenGL driving simulator
- did I abandon this project?
APACHE Indexer - generates
thumbnails automatically for directories
audio stuff
Crossover design javascript calculator (first, second
and third order)
Generic Programming stuff |
Misc. MySQL
various C/C++ code (mostly cgi stuff)
MySQL C++ class (neat wrapper for mysqlclient)
Environment C++ class (wrapper for *environ[])
Stdin C++ class (wrapper for stdin)
Exec C++ class (wrapper for running processes in your program)
d_html c++ class (contains a class to create html tables for various
useful.cpp (useful
stuff - integer to string conversion,
string to integer)various Visual Basic code (6.0) - mostly reusable
activex controls
DinoTray (activex control to make your program minimize to tray)
DinoMySQL (activex control that gives you access to a mysql
DinoButton (simple graphic button)
DinoIRC (control connects to irc server,
produces events for incoming text)
DinoConsole (ehh...I needed this to display
incoming text)
www.dict.org - online dictionary
www.tvguide.com - don't leave
home without it
-- electronics information page
www.digikey.com -- excellent
electronics parts supplier
www.radioshack.com --
source for that one little thing you forgot to order
www.spacemoose.com -- I
will be offended if you don't find this funny
www.angryflower.com --
bob, the angry flower
www.plif.com -- "the parking lot
is full" -- kind of a twisted far side
rehabilitating Mr..
wiggles -- I have never seen a teddy bear do this
www.redmeat.com -- no comment
web stuff:
http://www.irt.org/ - great
resource for web mastering and scripting
javascript guide - from makers of javascript
cookies - http specifications
examples - from w3
introduction - from w3
mysql cgi example in C
linux stuff:
http://www.bbiagent.net/ -
single floppy 'diskless' router
linux nat howto
linux advanced routing howto
management docs
electronics stuff:
L.A.R.T. - single board
computer, capable of running linux (see
this picture)
resistance calculator - i can never remember those silly color codes
vbnet - excellent place for
visual basic resources; lots of api examples
c++ string
class datasheet
program i/o programmatically - must have for serious developers