Well HELLO everyone! We are ALL ABOUT EVE! We have been together for almost 12 years! Formerly known as "The Heartbreak Kids", All About Eve has stood the test of time and the tribulations of this cruel world. We have had our fair share of band members, however, for the most part, we stand tried and true to our chosen profession, as well as to each other. The band consists of four members. Randy, our lead singer; Steve, our guitarist; Eric, our bassist; and John, our drummer; and we can't forget Chris, our manager and friend. Steve is relatively new to the band. He just joined us in March of 1997. We are pleased to make his acquaintance and have him join the band. We are currently covering a lot of HOT songs! However, YOUR requests are ALWAYS welcome! Also, we are in the process of making our very own cd! If all goes well, it should be ready by the end of January 1998. Here's Hoping! Well, we guess that's all for now. We certainly hope you enjoy our web site and hope to see you at one of our concerts!
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HITS since August 19, 1997 ! Keep em' coming!
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