
last updated: Dec. 16th(INSULTS, but seriously folks this page is going to continue to suck with out your input.)

Long Distance Runner Homepage created by Digipunk Industries 
links and descriptions
tour pictures

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this site was designed by
Contact the designer of this site, Digipunk Industries
Joe Z. and Darlene R. of Digipunk Industries, Inc.
for info, email DIGIPUNK@AOL.COM
or click on the logo.
Copyright 1997
digiPunk Industries' Homepage:
Go to the Digipunk Industries homepage

thanx:: Darlene (Creep656@AOL.COM),
Greg (,
Long Distance Runner,
Under the Volcano,
"Journals of the Insane(Ryan)"
In Whores We Trust.

dar's personal site:

all images created with the use of the GIF Construction Set.
website created 8/27/97

the fine print:
all images, graphix, and other cool stuff were created by Digipunk Industries.
Ask if you want to use them, otherwise you cant.
These images cannot be reproduced, distributed, used for other websites, etc...
Just ask, ill send it to you...
Long Distance Runner stuff is exclusively theirs...You cant use it...Ask them if you wanna use it...
You cant reproduce any article from a published material...Ask the publisher for its use.
All this is copyrighted...
All Rights Reserved.

Guestbook by Lpage