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August 10, 2007 Just got my copy of Family Tree, the new Nick Drake CD with Robin's article in the booklet. Very good, really good insights into Nick Drake's influences. I see Robin has been been posting comments on the Fan Forum at NickDrake.com. Great to get to exchange messages with her about ND. July 22, 2007 Checking in with Robin's blog I'm excited about the upcoming remastered version of Water Falls Down! She says it will include her song Sandy Grey that she wrote for Nick Drake. Looks like it will be a couple of months before it gets here but I'll post here for sure when it comes out. April 27, 2006 Sorry I've been so bad about keeping up this news page. I just had a long email chat with Robin and she says she's doing some remixes with producer PhillieG. I'm looking forward to hearing some new music. Its been a while since Robin has released any new tracks. Give us fans more to listen to, Robin! June 3, 2004 I just downloaded the Hederos and Hellberg version of Been Smokin Too Long. These guys are great. I want the whole album. Just piano and voices. They are also doing songs by Bob Dylan, the Velvet Underground, and Randy Newman. A really simple sound but very moving. May 4, 2004 Robin is DJ-ing for a music channel on Ted Airlines. I checked out the Ted Airlines website and found a page that lists what all the channels, including Robin's, are currently playing. Here tis...Ted Tunes. November 13, 2003 There are a couple new articles by Robin posted on different web sites. I like Love and Longing at RobinFrederick.com about muses and artists. I also like A Brief History Of Love Songs at the Sound Experience web site. (Scroll down to the section called For Love Song Lovers.) This one looks like a work in progress . It's an interesting topic and fun to read. I didn't know they wrote love songs in ancient Egypt! May 12, 2003 Robin's new album is out and it's great! Blue Flame is the name of it and I haven't listened to anything else ever since I got it. I mean nothing! I have a couple MP3s posted on the site. I REALLY like the new version of Been Smoking Too Long which is one of my favorite songs anyway. There's a very interesting duet with Bridget St. John who I never heard of but I'm now interested in getting one of her albums. I don't think there's a weak track on the whole album. Definitely worth ten bucks! April 05, 2003 According to her online diary, Robin was in the hospital with a bad staph infection last week but it sounds like she's doing okay now. Seems like some of my favorite singers are having problems. John Martyn was recovering ok from last year's car accident but I hear he recently had to have his foot amputated due to circulation problems. Get better soon! Nov. 1, 2002 Sorry I've been so quiet lately -- been working on my own music. Speaking of that, Robin wrote a very good new article about song writing and it gave me alot of good ideas to use for my own songs. It's definitely worth checking out if you're into song writing: Notes On Song Writing. Robin wrote in her guestbook that she's thinking about giving a song writing class. If its anywhere near me I'LL BE THERE. Aug. 13, 2002 Placebo - Been Smoking Too Long . Here's an mp3 file of Placebo singing Been Smoking Too Long. It's OUT THERE! Totally different from the Nick Drake version or Robin's original. (NOTE: Sorry for the inconvenient shut downs. I moved the file to a different server. You should have no problems downloading now. J) May 24, 2002 Robin has started an Online Diary. She writes about her songs-in-progress and other things she's been up to. This is a great way for artists to keep in touch with their fans - I hope more will start doing it. I'm really into Moby and I read his online diary too but Robin's is more interesting. She wrote a 3 part series about Nick Drake and Anne Sexton that I thought was great. (ND & the Confessional Poets) April 30, 2002 Been Smoking Too Long mp3 - An mp3 download of Robin's song Been Smoking Too Long is posted at her web site along with the lyrics and chords. According to the site Robin recorded this in France in 1967 which means this is exactly how Nick Drake first heard it. His version sounds almost the same as Robin's except for one line where he sings "Got no other life to choose." Interesting. I'm still trying to find an mp3 of Placebo's version of this song. If I do I'll post it. March 18, 2002 Sandy Grey mp3 - This is a song Robin wrote for Nick Drake when she knew him in France. John Martyn recorded it on his first album, London Conversation. According to Robin's web site this track is a home demo recorded in 1968. Just guitar and vocal. Its very affective, very direct and personal. Available in streaming mp3 or mp3 download. (The download is cd quality at 192 kbps. Thanx.) February 23, 2002 I found a Robin Frederick web site on MP3.com with streaming mp3s of all the tracks on WATER FALLS DOWN. Also mp3 downloads of The Messenger, O Sleeper, and Angel, Cover Me. Here's the link: Robin on MP3.com. February 13, 2002 Here are the lyrics for a couple of Robin's songs I found on the web. Been Smoking Too Long was recorded by Nick Drake. I also found a version of it by Placebo! The Placebo version was very different and I liked it. According to an article Robin wrote for MOJO, Nick Drake learned it from her when they met in France in 1967. The other song is Sandy Grey recorded by John Martyn. (You can read Robin's MOJO article here: Place To Be.) January 5, 2002 There's a good interview that's worth a read if you're a Nick Drake fan. Robin interviewed the guy who did the Nick Drake CD remasters. He also talks about an upcoming official release of outtakes and demos. Go to Nick Drake: The Island Remasters. December 1, 2001 Robin's album Water Falls Down with the new song "California Girl" and the instrumental bonus track "Venus Rising" is now available at dance90210.com . It's more expensive at $14.99 than the version without the bonus track at CD Baby. "Venus Rising" reminds me of Steve Roach's "Structures From Silence" which I like a lot but I prefer the tracks with Robin's vocals. My recommendation: Skip the bonus track. November 17, 2001 I just got my copy of Water Falls Down with the new song "California Girl". I love it. It think it's one of Robin's best songs. The new mixes sound great. This is still a limited edition and definitely worth the ten bucks. Available at CD Baby. Congrats to everyone who worked on the new website, robinfrederick.com. It's lookin' good. The two Nick Drake articles are there along with one new one. Julie says mp3 samples are coming soon. November 1, 2001 I just posted an interview with Robin. We talked about her background, her music, Nick Drake, and Zoobles. Read it here. October 23, 2001 New web site! robinfrederick.com features new articles, mp3s from the latest mixes of Water Falls Down, and lots more. Last time I checked it was still under construction but I was told it should be fully up and running in a few days. April 10, 2001 Here are the lyrics to the new Zoobilee Zoo theme song It's A Zooberific Day, written by Robin Frederick. To hear a midi version of the song, go to Hallmark's Zoobilee Zoo web site. I'm a big zoob fan! |
RobinFrederick.com - This is an excellent site with streaming mp3, news, reviews, a good autobiog called "Origins" and all of Robin's Nick Drake articles.
Robin's Online Diary
Sandy Grey mp3 - A song Robin wrote for Nick Drake. According to the web site this track is a home demo recorded in 1968. Streaming mp3 and download. The download is cd quality at 192 kbps.
Nick Drake: A Place To Be - Robin writes about Nick Drake as a song writer and a friend. If you're a Nick fan this is great stuff.
Love Songs And Visualization - An article by Robin about the power of songs. Interesting.
An Artist Found - Right here on this site! Robin's reply to an article about Nick Drake. Definitely worth a read if you're into Nick Drake.
Sound Experience - This is a web site about love songs. Robin has written an article called "A Brief History Of Love Songs" thats on the site.
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