5th of 4 Homepage

Hello there...

well, it seems that i have run out of things to rant about.... im thinking about redoing the whole site, but im just too damned lazy, sorry...
Maybe something with flash?
but since almost nobody comes here any more, i guess theres not much of a reason for doing anything... so there you have it. - 10/4/02

Feel free to mail your pleas to The Mysterious?! at: TheMysterious@demoncucumber.com and I'll make sure they reach It.

If anyone is out there I hope you enjoy these BLAHs of the past!

Blah 1
Blah 2
Blah 3
Blah 4
Blah 5

Cick here to see my Flash Movies!

Sign My Soulbook View My Soulbook

If you want to get in touch with any other member of the Blah crew try these E-Mail addresses, but I make no promises as to the validid-no-digity of these addressesesses... yeah. Sure.
The Dreadful Eye can be reached by sending mail to: generalkaos@yahoo.com
The Faces can be reached at: tanfaces@aol.com
The French Connection is out roaming the grassy plains of Saudi Arabia.
Shake N. Bake has been located, but no longer has the use of anything below his chin; due to a horrible Whooping Crane accident... or was it Cough?
To get in touch with The Mysterious ?! all you have to do is sacrifice your first born child and scream in the tongue of the Ancient Ones.
Everyone else's location is unknown, but if you send me an E-Mail I'll be sure it gets to them somehow.
What do you think about that? Chances are you're wrong.

**Any spelling/grammar mistakes on any of my pages are not really mistakes and really serve some, however arcane, purpose. So I don't get in trouble with the Geocities people: all suggested violent acts are not to be taken seriously. This page is best viewed with IE 5.5 or greater with 32bit color, JAVA enabled and a good high resolution. Hey it's HIGH END ENTERTAINMENT! Cool. Thank you for your support email me with your comments/praise/insults/ideas/submissions. D.C. **