NEWS - August 2000

Over the 4th and 5th of August, Angel Witch performed at the great Waken Festival in Germany. Playing a long set comprising of many older tunes, it was one of the first gigs to show the all-new (apart from Kevin Heybourne) Angel Witch line-up. The  names of the new members is unknown to me (I did have an e-mail off the new AW drummer but my e-mail crashed) so if you know of the new line-up, e-mail me at angelwitches@yahoo.com. At the Waken Festival, one new Angel Witch tune was played, which according to a source is much in the style of early Angel Witch, which will no doubt please many hard-core fans.

If you have any Angel Witch news, or any photos you may like to send me for this site, or anything else of interest, please e-mail me HERE.