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Who is Jake6069?
Name:     Jake
Nick Names: Jakeass
Location: Sunny Florida (on the Gulf)
DOB:      2-25-82 
Status: Taken  :-)

How Do I contact Jake6069?
What Does Jake6069 Look Like?
"I am 5'10, I have Blonde  hair, Green/Blue eyes, I am about 150 pounds, ummmm I dunno what else to say....Check out my pix below..."
Does Jake6069 Have A Picture?
"Yes I have many pictures of me, I also have a LIVE webcam site (e-mail me for the show times) and I also have Netmeeting along with a Digi and Webcam              :-)   To go to my webcam site CLICK HERE."
(The Cam site is down until further notice. I can't afford the bandwidth anymore)
Pictures, Link, Misc. Shiznitz

Picture page 1
     MORE Pictures (password needed!!)

Shawn's Webpage-------> CLICK HERE
SpuzzCamLive!!!!-------> CLICK HERE
SectorShock.com------->  CLICK HERE

May 5th , 2004:
Ok! so its been almost one year to the date since I updated my site... Sorrrrrry Guys!  *hugs*

April 23rd, 2003:
Went on a WONDERFUL Cruise.  See the pix in the album.

Check out my Live Journal.  I try and update it when I can 
CLICK HERE to go there

new pix in the Picture Trail album  :-)
(Password needed to access...contact me)

Sign my guest book!  :-)

Please, Sign My Guestbook!
           My Pictures
        Personal Webpages
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                  If you care to know:
   The Jake6069 Name and Website started in    
               1998...Pretty long time eh?

Check out these movies :
Party Monster (Video/DVD)
I really enjoyed this movie. It is        
         Neat cast.
Scorched (Video/DVD)
A must see for anyone in  
          banking...Like me!