Hardcore Punk 'zine

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You will find here, if you are searching to know more about the Belgian Hardcore, you are on the right place, here is a scene report I've made sometimes ago. I try to update it, just send me the informations about it if you are in a band or if you do a zine or others things.Also feel free to contact the bands, Zines, labels distros etc.. That's why I have do that. I think they all need more exposure.

That's what I was saying years ago.

Hardcore has become the ugly commercial fashion that it wasn't not supossed to be. IT SUCKS !!!!

I will release the issue 8 on this website just because I promissed some interviews but I have no more motivation to do it. Hardcore is a revolution and it turned like shit and bullshit. if you are into it since a long time, you can't denied it. So, I don't want to support it anymore.

It was supossed to be a honest things. Everyone don't want to hear the real opinions !!!! They just care of their biz




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