see page 2 for exclusive story!
"a rockabilly tabloid for curious cats"
7/18/98 & not much RAB news to report, it's too damn HOT and the staff is all out getting drunk...
But here's my chance to tell y'all what this RABloid is about! YOU, the cyber-rockabilly, makes it come ALIVE by submitting to the various features.
Are you a musician? Click on CRAZY CATS to announce your tourdates or SLY'S STUDIO to tell the world about your recording plans.
Do you need some advice on your love life? Click on ASK MONA!
Into psychics? Consult with psychic STELLA STAR for a rockabilly view of the cosmos.
Have something you wish to sell or want to meet your true love? Tell it to PEGGY SUE'S PERSONALS.
Plus, read stories about folks who made Rockabilly history in RUBY MAE'S DIG THE ROOTS and visit VIC'S VINTAGE to see some old photographs.
Besides, here's your chance to be Jimmie Olsen or Lois Lane! Send your pix or enter a news item in DIGGIN THE DIRT!
This RABLOID is what y'all make it!
Rockabilly gossip and info, no discographies or boring intellectual historical info, just trends and music. The only rules are common courtesy and decency- no spaming, flaming, rascism, or obsenities allowed. Spontaneous stupidity and blatant over zealous posting and egoism welcome here. We suggest you get a separate free email account somewhere so you can manage it or forget it.
This list is about FUN in rockabilly!
RABLOID is *NEW* so why not click on something below and offer some input? but BOOKMARK & come back to see these features as they develop and join the list to keep updated!
Music!!!Love Connections!!!Vintage!!!Gossip!!!Trends!!!
What's old?.............see VIC's Vintage PIX
Why are we here?.......................go Dig the Roots with Ruby Mae
What's in the Stars?...................see Stella Star Says...
Where do we go from here?...............see Lily's Lynx
Participate in these Forums by filling out a simple form!
Who's in the studio?................READSly's StudioWRITE
Who's going to Europe?.............. READCrazy Cats Currently ON TOURWRITE
Who's kissin who? ............... READDiggin the DirtWRITE
What should I do?........ READASK MONA!WRITE
Where's my dream? (girl, guy, guitar)...... READPeggy Sue's PersonnalsWRITE
So why not give us a scoop??? Fill out this simple form to SUBMIT some Rockabilly news or gossip.
DISCLAIMER: The management is not responsible for your lovelife.
COPYRIGHT 1998 by Mona Maul, editor of RABLOID.
Not to be reproduced without her written consent.
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