Out Now! 
"In Between Worlds"
"In Tune with the the True Distortion"
"A Folding Sieve" (reissue)
CAPSULES: "Reverser"
"No One Knows Anything for Sure"
"Slow Colorless Stare"
MELODY UNIT: "Choose Your Own
"One Point and Red"
"Scream the Sound"
"You Brought Us Here"
"Know by Heart"
"EL Dorado"
"Young Effectuals"
"The Angel Has Landed"
"I Heard Myself in You"
"Mont Ventoux"
the band's web sites for more info!
New bands added: I know, I've said
that I will only be posting true gazy bands from
now on, and yeah Scotland's Ballboy might be just a
sweeter, more energertic smaller brother to Belle
& Sebastian, but just the song
"Leave the Earth Behind and take a
Walk" is worth alone the price of the
ticket. Trust me. Go check them out. Maybe you'll
love'em... Hey, found a page form Netherland's The
Nightblooms. Remember them? I suggest
opening a new window, go to Audiogalaxy and grab
a special noisier version of "Everyone Loves
You". Mucho sweet!... Check out this obscure
early '90s band that I never knew existed, Sweet Jesus. They were briefly
signed to Rough Trade Records and their sound was
descriubed as Marc Bolan, of T-Rex, fronting My
Bloody Valnetine. Very interesting... Slowdive
hardcore fan, John Kupchik, did a very
resourceful mini-site for proto-gazers Eternal, plus a
when-and-where of Neil and Rachel, before Slowdive
was ever thought about. Very
interesting... By now, I assume everybody has
heard Kinski. Their latest, The
Dream of the Blue Turtle was one of my top
thislisty albums of 2001. Now THAT'S loud!...
Also: Australia's Ides of
Space, freshly released in the
States by the folks of Good Looking Records, is a nice, melodic
nosie-pop five piece worth checking out, as well
as Oklahoma's drone-pop sextet Ester Drang. Oh, also, more
spacey gaze from Europe: check out Germany's Monoland home page (in
deutsch), if you misss that sweet early Bowery
Electric / Slowdive sound. Not to be
NEWS!: As you may be aware by now, it's
been a while since my last update. As some of you
may be aware, I have had lots of trouble finding
the time to work on this since my laptop (where I
usually update this page) basically died on me
some months ago. That, plus several other reasons
are the cause of this long delay. BUT... the page
is very much still alive. I was hoping to have a
new look for this year, but a web designer that
agreed to work on it flaked out on me. Anyhoo,
since I know that you are here basically to find
out about new gazy bands, I'm sure you won't mind
this end-of-the-'90s, prehistoric layout in the
mentime. Thanks for you understanding and let the
noise keep flowing...
On the New / Upcoming
Records front: Acclaimed UK sensations,
the Doves, have a new album out,
called The Last Broadcast. Go to their official website today to see the
full tracklisting for the album, plus more juicy
details. The first single -the gut-wrenching
"There Goes the Fear"-
was exclusively played on Steve Lamacq's
Evening Session, on Radio 1, some weeks ago and
the responses were great. Indeed, the album
sounds incredibly, a tad more uplifting than
their debut, Lost Souls, I must say... Impacient fans, get
this: Zeal Records will release a new
7" by beloved Michigan band, Auburn
Lull. And in related news: Darla Records
signed up to release a new full lenght and the
reissue of their groundbreaking debut, Alone
I Admire (originally released on the Burnt Hair label in 1997)... God knows waht is
happening withe folks of 7% Solution,
but its mainman, James Adkisson, assured that a
thid album is in the works... Will The
Flaming Lips deliver another
surprise-sounding album or will they remain in
the calm, quiet waters of AOR like Mercury
Rev has? So you like All Is Dream?
Nothing wrong with that. But don't tell me that's
Mercury Rev. At leats, that's not the one I knew
in the early '90s. That's another band. So while
we wait for the next Lip's experiment, Wayne
Coyne and co. have been very busy. Besides having
a new record out, named Yoshimi versus the
Pink Robots (!), again produced with Dave
Fridmann, they've been working on a movie
soundtrack called Xmas on Mars that the
very same Coyne will direct (!!!) and all the
Lips will obviously contribute in all departments
including -oh god-, acting. Also, there's the
edition of The Flaming Lips have Landed
on DVD, a documentary done by Oklahoma grad
Bradley Besley that will also include Lips
material galore guaranteed to make your brain
mouthwater... Paik, the instrumental
drone band, has announced a follow up to their
magnificent sophomore opus, Corridors,
to be released by Clairecords in the Spring of
canadian space rockers Hollowphonic
also announced the release of a new mini-album
called Majestic, due out this days,
along with a Canadian tour with Sully... So, UK legends The
Telescopes have oficially got together
for a one-only show in their London hometown and
the release of a new album, Third Wave,
almost 10 years after their self-titled and final
album on Creation Records. NYC's labelhouse
Double Agent will release it. Telescopes' mainman
Stephen Lawrie promises that "we could have
some serious mind explosion on our hands."
We surely hope so!
IN OTHER NEWS: For those frequent
Clairecords buyers, here's some important news.
To avoid confusion with the label of the same
name, the mail order part of Clairecords will be
changing its name. In words of Heather Sostrom:
"Some the mailorder will still exist, but it
will be renamed, revamped, and reintroduced with
lots of nice new features (like secure online
shopping, direct links to clips and images,
etc...) and go under the moniker
tonevendor. it isn't up and running just
yet, but there is a dummy site up at www.tonevendor.com." For more
info, visit the Clairecords site...
Apart from a ton of /@#"&%#$!!! spam,
there are a lot of interesting submissions
lately. Oh and please understand when I don't get
back to some of you. I just don't have the time
anymore. But enough whining already. Click away
to descover some yummy noises. The pick of the
month goes to San Jose's sweet gaze merchants Bethany
Curve, with "Silver", taken
from their latest opus, You Brought Us Here.
Just trust me, go and listen. Also
worth lending an ear: Aerial Love Feed's
(new album coming soon!) shoegaze classic
masterpiece "Five Miles into the
Atmosphere", and an enveloping bedroom tune
by Snowmobile. As usual, it's
all good stuff, I assure you. So click on the Dream Pop Links
Radio for your doze of sweet
noise. More new tunes coming soon!
& STUFF: Ah, music readers: a
new, jam packed issue of Vendetta
is out now. For just a couple of bucks you'll
receive on you mailbox lots of nice interviews
with The Chamber Strings (cover story), the West
Coast Pop Art Experimental Band, Mojave 3, The
Tyde, Lilys, Black Rebel
Motorcycle Club, Unisex (ex
Telescopes), Waxwings, Sunstorm,
Twister, Tram, The Action Time, Longwave, and the
Asteroid Number Four. Plus tons
of reviews and articles you need to read about.
It's all here.