This page came into existence, because I wanted to take all the different parts of my life and make them into one big picture. The things on this page might seem totally unrelated to you, but they do have one thing in common. And that is me.
I would like to thank you for visiting my page, and do come back. You might find something interesting on here or you might not. Nobody knows for sure. But that is life I suppose.
There is a man that has meant an awful lot to me during my life. When I hear him play I "tingle" inside. He can make me feel happy, when I'm sad. And it makes me sad, when I remember that he's not here with us anymore. For those who know me, it is off course Randy Rhoads
If you like the background music on 'Unrequited Love', follow this link to buy it. The song is called "When the children cry".
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