You're travelling through another dimension, a dimension
not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous
land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost
up ahead - your next stop,
the Reel Big Fish Zone!
Reel Big Fish Are:
Aaron Barrett - guitar and vocals
Carlso de la Graza - drums
Scott Klopfenstien - trumpet and vocals
Dan Regan - trombone
Tavis Wertz - trumpet
Matt Wong - bass
Reel Big Fish's Latest release with Mojo Records, Why Do They Rock So Hard?, is now available!
Take a listen to this Liquid Audio Sample
Audio Links
Video Stuff
Tour Dates
RBF Chat
Reel Big Fish Discussion Board
Vote For Your Favorite Tune From the New Album
The Rumor Mill
Close Encounters
Interview with Matt
Die Szene Interveiw with Matt and Carlos
Reel Big Fish Need Your Help
The Bait Shop
Something Stupid I did
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Check Out My Awards (suprising isn't it?)
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This many fishies have floated by since April 29, 1998
Thank you AOfuckingL for screwing up my original, pretty counter:

email me
Note: This is just another sucky Reel Big Fish Fan page.
It is not in anyway affiliated with the band itself or its label Mojo Records. In fact,
just using those terms are probably illegal, but hey, what the hell?