I'm David or Odd or Kiss of Steel, whatever you know me as, and this is my new page format.

I've switched some things around and I'm hoping to soon make my page a little easier to navigate. Let me know what you think by e-mailing me at Oddbeeslayer@hotmail.com Notice the happy little box below to change pages in!
Updates on March 22=Working on my music page. I am going to start doing an Artist of the Month thing with my music page. PLEASE e-mail me and tell me what you think. I won't be doing much with the chainmail section for a while because I got a commission for a shirt and that will take up all of my chainmail time.
April something or another-Still not much time May's Artist of the Month will be MANOWAR! Have to find more stuff-going to sleep now......
Okay I got really tired of popups so I am moving my page. Check out http://broken.ourfamily.com to see how I'm doing
If for some reason your browser does not support my happy box click here
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to break the counter