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Viva Spice Girls and Geri Halliwell <BGSOUND SRC="/SunsetStrip/Cabaret/8671/yay.wav" LOOP=0>

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I heard it with my own ears on sunday 20th September at Wembley Stadium

EXCLUSIVE!!!we have just got the new lyrics to the new spice girls song GOODBYE
check it out!
Geri's career is finally taking off she has just signed to Chrysalis (a record company signed acts like Robbie Williams), this means she has to record 3 albums yet so looks like we'll see a lot of Geri! Also check out Geri performing on Prince's trust first time singing solo!
We have just made a sounds page, we know there aren't many songs and interviews but we're getting there so be patient.
Congratulations to Mel G (formerly know as Mel B) on getting married to Spice boy Jimmy Gulzar.
hi and welcome to our spice girls webpage this page is under heavy construction but be patient and bookmark it so you can come back when it gets better.
Sadly Geri did decide to leave the girls but her and the girls are doing fine at the moment, they have already started their new album and there should be a live album from one of their Wembley concerts.
If you are a true Spice Girls fan and plan to stick by them and take their CD's to your grave then click here to beat Hanson in a popularity contest pretty please!!!

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