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Anti-Spice Girls!
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Spice Girl Info
Baby Posh Scary Scary Geri
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Spice haters, this is your lucky day, because the Spice Girls are breaking up! It all started when Giri, or sluty spice started skippin concerts. Now it is official, the Spice Girls are Breaking up :)
If you are a fan of the spice girls, don't even bother e-mailing me. I REALLY DON'T CARE! If you actually like the spice girls, than you shouldn't of wasted youre time coming here. I don't want you to complain to me about me insulting them!
If you are a Spice Fan, click Here do drag your sorry ass down to Absolute Spice
The Definition of a Spice Girl
There are many ways to discribe a Spice Girl. Most 9 year olds would say they are the best group ever, but they have fallen into thier evil spell. It's to late for them, but maybe we can still save the others. In my words, the Spice Girls are one of the worst thing that ever happened to music. They are TOTAL SLUTS, and they don't wear bras. They can't sing, they can't dance, and to add to that, they have scarred the music industry I guess not everyone can be perfect.
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I know your what you're thinking(Yeah, I know you think they're sluts, but what else is there to 'em?) Well, They are totally made on their tacky clothes, and 9 year olds buying thier cd's. Over 15,000,000 people have bought thier album, but how many of those people will actually admit to this. It would bring shame to thier family name!
"GIRL POWER!" This is most often heard when a Spice Girl opens thier mouth. What does that mean? Power to women of course. But it seems that the Spice Girls poweris shown by thier hedious outfits, and 9 inch tall shoes. I don't think running around looking like hookers is a very good example of "Girl Power" They don't seem all that powerfull to me, but thier music is a whole different story! Hearing their music makes almost anyone cringe, but some actually enjoy it! The Spice Girls have put millins of people under thier spell, and they keep on going. Theese unfortunate people keep on buying thier merchandise, and they don't even relise what's hit them! Poor Them.
The Girls
Emma Buntun: Baby Spice,is the baby of the group. Aww, aint she cute! (Maybee she's called baby because she hasn't worn off her baby fat yet.)She runs around in her pink and white outfits with this damn backpack. WHAT IS WITH THAT BACKPACK? IT'S PISSING ME OFF!She carries this little pink backpack. This thing is so small
the only thing she could ever fit in it is maybe her twinkies.(I doubt she could live without them)
Victoria Adams: Posh Spice. Posh is known as the classy one. If you ask me, I don't think it's so classy to have Geri holding your breast. I wish I could be considered classy for not smiling. Oh well. Posh spice is known for NEVER smiling. She has tried, but it seems to cause terrible wrinkles:(
Melanie Brown: Scary Spice AHHHHHHH!Aint she just terrifying? Not really, except for her hair. Scary is known for always having her mouth open in pictures. She does this because she needs to show everyone her pierced tounge. Now thats scary.
Meanie Chisholm: Spoty Spice. She is the one with the talent.Not only can sporty sing, she can do backflips to ! Sporty Spice would like to have the nckname testicle spice.(Don't ask me why)She is 30 years old.
Geri Halliwell: Sexy/sluty/tubby/lesbian/ect.Spice There are many names for this Spice Girl. her favourite word is existentialism. She does not know how to say this word, or what it means.she is 48 years old. The oldest of all the Spice Girls.
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