Welcome to an abortion-hater's page.
This page will be undergoing some major changes pretty soon. Some are already in place.
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here's a page of me going off
evolution refuted...
email questions @ bottom of page

I've received a few emails about my page. Some, those that are encouraging, I greatly appreciate. Others have described me as someone who doesn't happen to know what he's talking about with this whole "anti-choice" thing. So, I decided to lay it down for those who still think that abortion is OK and should remain legal.
The sole fact of the matter is this: life begins at conception. I'm not a doctor & if you want written proof, you can find it. I know it's there. Many scream for the women's right to choose. Women made the choice to have sex--whether or not they planned to get pregnant. Women have the choice to kill the person at fault--themselves. Don't quote me out of context--I'm not saying unwed, pregnant girls should kill themselves. I am saying that they have no right to kill a baby because they made an immature mistake. If a drunk driver kills a pregnant woman he's charged with the death of TWO people. If a pregnant woman gets killed in a bank robbery, the robber would be hunted as killing TWO people. Let's make up our minds, people. If it's a kid, it's a kid. If you're trying to tell me that it's not a kid, why are people being convicted for killing "products of conception"?
"At three weeks, the tiny human being, only one-tenth of an inch long already has the beginnings of eyes, spinal cord, nervous system, lungs, stomach, intestines. The primitive heart, which began beating at about 18 days, now pumps more confidently. All this before the mother may even be aware of this new life within her."

This is a horrible reality. This process of "baby brain harvesting" could've been made illegal last November, but your fearless President saved it and kept this legal.
The doctor partially delivers the baby, makes an incision behind it's head (back of it's neck) inserts a vaccuum-type machine, and voila! we've got ourselves a nine month old product of conception without a brain. Or would you prefer I call it fetal tissue?

People have said that I've shoved things down people's throat with my page. I'm not screaming at "anti-lifers" (that would be pro-choice) I'm exposing a truth. And hey, forgive me for your beliefs, but I was never asked to help define what the truth is. I'm just exposing what corporations like Planned Parenthood "shove down" pregnant, scared girls throats. Girls are told that it's not a baby. They're told it won't feel any pain.
"just fetal tissue" "just a product of conception" just lies

Check out my Dogwood page
(it's got a few DW links)
Go see Skillet's homepage
Check out my Payable On Death page
(it's also got a link to their page)
Check out No Innocent Victim(N.I.V.)'s homepage.

There are struggles in every believers life. Faith in our Creator is the only way to stay sane. Satan will attack you constantly if you make a CHRISTian stand. Keep up the fight and never, NEVER be silent. If abortion isn't your cause, that's fine. God needs your help spreading His Word in every area you can imagine. Real CHRISTians know how great of a gift they've been given by our Saviour. And they are convicted to spread what a great, free gift it is. If you had a coupon for a free taco, would you use it? Why? Because it's already paid for. All you or someone else needs to do is accept it. Jesus died for your sins. I, myself, crucify Christ every day of my life with my constant sin. But He forgave me. And He'll forgive you if you ask for it. He already died. You already have the coupon. Just redeem it. One thing's for sure, He's a whole lot more fulfilling than a taco.
I'm gonna have a page of different truths I've heard/figured out like some of the ones you've read on this main page. I hope you find them helpful.
my links page with different stuff on it
If you have any prayer requests (none too big or small),
suggestions on what you want to see on my page,
or you just want to tell me something.......
If you need to talk to someone right away,
there is a toll free number you can call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
No hassles, just help. FREE.
They'll talk you through things, tell you where to get help, and help give you hope.
If you need help and don't want to call them, please talk to someone.
I've known people who thought there was no way out, so they took their lives.
Not just from themselves...from me, from their family, and from you.
Suicide is not the answer. There is hope in my God. You just have to ask Him.
Thanks for raising this # by one. I don't get money, but you've heard what I have to say.

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