Welcome To The Apt.2324 E-Zine Homepage!

Welcome to the Apt. 2324 E-zine Homepage...This zine grew out of a cassette label that I was hoping would develop into bigger and better things, but never did. So the zine is really the central focus here now. I wouldn't call it a punk zine nor a rock n roll zine - while you'll find stuff that fits into one of those categories, both phrases are very worn out. I have no interest in what most lame punk rockers try to pass off as new and exciting, when in fact they are merely providing a watered-down version of something that was exciting at one time. Also, I'm not impressed with this new rock n roll revival that seems to consist of ex-punks who feel they're beyond punk rock when in fact they're just jumping on the latest bandwagon. What I DO cover here are bands that take the best of both of those genres delivered in a fresh way, with the bad-ass attitudes that made those genres exciting originally. If you're looking for nice punk rock your parents might enjoy, indie rock/emo/ garbage, or PC punk rock...you probably should hit your back button now. If you're as bored with the current state of things as I am, read on...

UPDATE 6/1/01 - FINALLY! Some new shit on the page. I've given up on the concept of putting a bunch of new shit up at once in a new "issue" of an e-zine. Instead, I'm just gonna put up stuff now and then. First shit to go up is an interview with Hammerlock and some old record reviews.

UPDATE 9/20/00 - The zine is even closer to being done...but not quite yet. Been damn busy - I was hoping to have it done before the COS Supershow next weekend - but doesn't look like there will be time to get it done. So figured I'd wait til it's over and then be able to have a full detailed report of the show in the issue. Plus the shit mentioned below and some other surprises. Also should be updating the links around the same time.

UPDATE 8/10/00 - OK this page has been completely neglected for a while...but I finally got some new Cleveland shows listed, and the new e-zine is very damn close to being done. Unfortunately, a lot of the reviews for the new issue got accidentally erased somehow...may be for the best anyhow as now I'm just going to cover the very best and worst shit since the last issue making it a much easier read. Also to be included are interviews with Hammerlock and Bloody Mess. New issue will also have a slightly different format to allow for quicker small updates in between issues.

UPDATE 11/3/99 - New audio section is now up. You can check out a couple tracks my band Femsickliver did in 1997 from the "Cleveland Needs More Hetrosexuals" release. More stuff may be here in the future, who knows? Watch for the links section to be updated soon as well.

UPDATE 8/5/99 - OK, the zine is finally done. Interview with Whiskey Rebel of Rancid Vat and Alcoholics Unanimous, report of the Clevo HC fest in Detroit, and a shitload of reviews. The old issues are still up - don't forget to check the interviews with Hellstomper, Lockweld, Intense Mutilation, The Mentors, and Speedealer in the back issues section.

Click on one of the following:

NEW STUFF- Updated - 6/1/01
Back Issues of the Apt. 2324 E-zine
Releases, news and history of Apt. 2324 Records
Info on Apt. 2324 Radio Shows - Updated 7/9/01
Upcoming Clevo Shows of Interest - Updated 11/15/01!
A Mentors Discography and an El Duce Editorial
Audio Files To Check Out
Message Board
Some decent links to check out
E-Mail Apt.2324 Records

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