Well that should keep you buzy for a while.....In case it doesn't.... Here is the story of Ham and Turkey. Ok here it goes.... *WARNING: THIS IS VERY WEIRD*Ok.. Now The lunchmeat thing....well one night during the summer of '97, Jen was having a sleep over at her house, and it was very silly. Betsy was at her house just up the street. So Jen decided to call Betsy, it was like 2 AM! So Betsy and Jen were talking and out of no where Betsy says to Jen "You want to be the ham in a ham and cheese sandwich!" It was totally out of the blue! Jen didn't know how to react and told Betsy she was the Turkey in a turkey and cheese sandwich! And so there is the story of how we came to be the Ham and Turkey we are today. Oh yeah...by the way...did we menton that this was the night of the Stanley Cup being won by the Detroit Red Wings?
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