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Chrissy's Alanis Morissette Page!

Hi, my name is Chrissy and I'm from Ontario Canada. I am, as you can see, an Alanis Morissette fan. I have been a fan of hers for 10 years now. I also have had the fortunate opportunity to see her live four times, it was the most AMAZING thing (I saw her in Toronto at her "Intimate and Interactive in 1998, at a Toronto concert at the Air Canada Centre in 1998, at the Much On Demand TV show in 2002 and another concert that same day at the Air Canada Centre) Anyways, this is my humble attempt at making a tribute to the One And Only Alanis Morissette. I try not to put things on this site that I see on EVERY other Alanis site.... so enjoy :) And thanx to Kelly, Pat and Simon for the help. Please email me at with comments about my site (I need SOME feedback).


I am an Alanis collector as well, here is some of the STUFF I am looking for.

And here's some Alanis STUFF I am willing to make copies of and sell or trade :)

Alanis Pictures... GOOD ONES!

  • Picture Gallery #1
  • Picture Gallery #2
  • Picture Gallery #3
  • Picture Gallery #4
  • Picture Gallery #5
  • Picture Gallery #6
  • Picture Gallery #7!
  • Past "SEE" Pictures from!!
  • Picture Gallery #9

    Some Of My Other Alanis Stuff:

    Photos from the Alanis Intimate And Interactive!!!


    My Alanis Song Analogies

    Alanis sounds:

    Full length versions of these and more songs coming soon I hope

    Hear Alanis sing One Bad Apple when she was 12
    "Too Hot"
    "Real World"
    "Give What You Got"

    IF ANYONE WHO IS VEIWING THIS SITE IS IN A BAND OR IS LOOKING TO FORM ONE AND LIVES IN THE TORONTO AREA PLEASE EMAIL ME! I am looking to be in a band. I have been playing the guitar for almost 12 years now and would like to actually PERFORM in my lifetime. Its a dream of mine. Anyways, my influences are: Alanis Morissette (obviously), Nirvana, silverchair, and Dave Matthews among many many others. Please contact me if this sounds interesting to you...THANKS!

    This site was

    Soon to come: More PICTURES!

    You are Alanis fan #

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    To visit since November 6th, 1999