Dead Moon have been one of my favorite bands for some time now. In fact, I've seen just about every live gig they've done in Seattle since 1990 (except 1996 due to that minor nervous breakdown I had), not to mention the times I've seen them in Portland, Olympia and Tacoma. Plain and simple: I love these guys and can't quite seem to get enough!
There's a Dead Moon Page out of the Netherlands where you'll find a text version of the Fred Cole Discography I put together (still waitin' on that bottle of whiskey!), however I reformatted it to HTML on this page so it's easier to read.
Other than that, you'll find a Collection of Images, the current US Tour Dates, Dead Moon Links, and who knows? Maybe I'll scan in my collection of set lists...? We'll see what happens... just a little tribute to one of the world's toughest bands!
DEAD MOON, Murder City Devils (Fri Nov 7, Sit & Spin): On the new, mono-only Hard Wired in Ljubljana (Empty Records), legendary Northwest kings of No-Fi Dead Moon manage to convey the aural portion of their gritty, visceral live show to your home speakers. The listening quality is no better than you or I could have done by smuggling a cheapo micro-recorder into one of the band's sweaty shows, and I doubt Dead Moon, or its fans, would have it sound any other way. The real deal, though, does the jaded heart good: the sight of Fred and Toody bustin' ass and strings on stage - these two are grandparents, fer chrissakes - makes the Stones and their floundering tour look like a day at the old folks' home. - Kathleen Wilson
Review taken from The Stranger, Vol. 7; No. 7
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