DOWNLOAD MY MYOOSIC! (warning:it's long, repetitive, two chords, and without stereo. but it can be considered relaxing, serine and trippy, but i think it's shitty.) i recorded this more than 5 years ago and though my new stuff isn't really TOO big and good, i've moved on to bigger better things, there are many works in progress

uuhhh hey

make sure to look around real good, you'll find some suprises, like hidden websites and such

sup. is that not the funniest thing youve seen all day? yes, people like this do exist and they are representing our country abroad. below are links to a scifi page, a poetry page, a comedical rap page, an art page, a Salvador Dali page, a song page, and a guitar tab page. I live near Bay City, Texas. (frequently called Bay Shitty) A list of my favorite bands can be found here Whipping cream feels sooooo good when it's in between your toes.

Websites In Need of Visitation

my new art page
my Salvador Dali page
articles i've written for my school newspaper (more to come)
a serious poem i wrote titled "the fire"
my sci fi page
a guitar tab site for all those guitars sitting in the corners of y'all's rooms not being played
a funny & disgusting song i wrote
a tab site with a lot of bands from a guy named scro
the ulimate band list.


(since feb.12) please don't laugh, this page doesn't get around much

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