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SIGN OUR GUESTBOOK Five Finger Discount picked up their totally rad P/A system so now they have all they mics, speakers, thngs that they need so now everything roks. Look for more local performances from them...they've been working on new material all summer so come and support...shows'll be posted oh yeah and we got new pictures
All of Five Finger Discount's tapes have been sold...but they plan to make more- if we get enough requests, so Email me here for To The Deli! by us... Smact and stuff or you can maybe buy them at one of our upcoming shows...
In other news...Five Finger Discount has been signed onto Smact Records, a juvenile record label started by Matt Kemp (from FFD) and Christian Blunda (from the Dirty Rats). Any bands that are looking for a home, go to the site above that will soon have some cool stuff. thanx.
Welcome to the Five
Finger Discount offical website!
Five Finger Discount is a hyper-jazzed 6 piece ska punk (they also play different styles of swing, reggae, and pop-punk) band from Northern Arlington, Virginia. For all of you who are failing geography, that would be right next to Washington, D.C. You know, the place where the president
lives and get's it on with his interns. FFD got started in the summer of '96, so they've been around for about three years, getting better as they grew. The original band was Nathan, Steve, Matt and Trevor, but soon adding members as it went along. They started out in Nathan's basement, with the crappy name of Buddha Belly, barely knowing how to play their instruments. Let's meet the band now:
Well, that's the band as it is today. So far, they've released one self produced tape, called To The Deli!, that has 12 songs and costs only 4 dollars. They do have stickers, home made patches, and hopefully soon shirts too. The reason for that is, Five Finger Discount is looking into a young record label, run by Matt Kemp (from FFD) and Christian Blunda (from the Dirty Rats), called SMACT RECORDS. FFD will most definetly find a happy home there, so look for new releases from them, and thanx for your time!
At this point I'd like to thank a few people, those
caring people who have helped us along the way...hehehe. Thanks to: All of the parents,(hey it may seem wussy (i hate that word), but they do so much for us its not
funny), All the close followers of the band especially like Brendan (our roadie guy), John, Brian, Nadia, Christian, Kerry, Tony, and Anna Claire. Thanks to Christian (from The rats) for the excellent logo at the top of our page and Mr. Holland (trev's dad) for taking all the pictures. The Falls Church Episcopal Church for letting us use
the equipment at the Coffee House. All of the places we have played so
far, and the places we are soon to play. All cool ska bands for
inspirations like RBF, Against All Authority, Specials, Operation Ivy, Decepticonz, Skalicious, Suicide Machines,
Rancid, NOFX, and Sublime. Our fellow bands, Mop Attack, THE TRIFFIDS, and the Dirty Rats.
And all our friends, cuz you guys rule. Oh yeah, especially all of the
female followers, and we need some more, so umm, come to our shows and hang with us..
NO THANKS TO: That old lady that lives near Matt Kemp who called the cops on us at our first concert because we were too loud (we still don't like you), and Dr. Dent, you suck, and man, you REALLY smell bad...hmm...Matt'd like to say a big screw you to his stupid school would Tim
i see you.Geocities supports five finger discount and you should too so email us money if you're that talented.