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Here's the band:
Mark Hoppus: Bass/Vocals
Tom Delonge: Guitar/Vocals
Travis Barker: Drums(previously Scott Raynor)
Despite the fact that blink has awesome music (which i don't consider punk), _personally_ i've lost a lot of respect for them in the light that they have sold out. and for all you that have signed my guestbook "i disagree..blink hasnt sold out. i think you're just jealous of their popularity" blah blah blah...who really cares? i've lost my taste for their all sounds the same to me (although i have to admit i do like two songs on cheshire cat) and marks voice gets on my nerves. i wont be updating this page anymore and i havent been for awhile so if you want info on the new cd look somewhere else. i just read my guestbook and i have to say, i laughed. a lot. no, you're right, blink arent sellouts...they havent switched labels for the money (whatever happened to good old grilled cheese?). i know what you're thinking..if you dont care so much, why are you writing this? well im writing this because i have nothing better to do and i'm sick of getting email from annoyed blink fans. the tour dates are a link so they will always be valid. "its our job to keep punk elite". okay i'm done bitching now, enjoy my site.
Check out this stuff:
Tour Dates
Songs' Titles
A Kickass Tab Page
Blink182 "club"
Name Change
Contact me or the band
Click here to look at/buy some blink POSTERS:
or click here to get some cool tshirts and stuff:
Some useless stuff about me
ThIs sIte is UndEr constRucTion, anD aLwaYs wiLL bE
I got all the pictures/information off the net, so if any of it belongs to you and u don't want me to have it on here click here and i'll take it off. If you have any cool info and or really good pics of the band, pleez send it to me.
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