Cheers fellow Morgan C Hoax lovers and welcome to my page dedicated to the
talented guitarist of blur:

The Graham/Blur chat room is now up and running.
So if you would like to chat to other fans got to the Graham/Blur Chat room. The room is still fairly new and not too many people know about it, so please tell your friends and get help get more people knowing about the chat room. Also if you're in there hang around in there for a few minutes and give other people a chance to join in. Cos if no ones in there then no one will ever be.

Thanx to all those people who have submitted adds for the pen pals page. I am currently updating it so if you wanna find a penpal go to the
Penpals Page
and either place an add or find someone to write to.

Sign Guestbook**
View Guestbook

This page is still under construction so
e-mail me and tell me what you
think of my page, what you'd like to see or tell me the URL to your Graham
or Blur web page and i'll add it on to my links. THANX!

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This page was created by Val Hayes.
Last updated 20 March 1998.