It's true. Sidekick Salvation broke up as of November 7, 1998. It was a great year of shows for us, but we felt Sidekick needed to end. But keep your eye out for a new band made up of Nate, Kirby, Poop(from Crock Pot Oatmeal), and Dan Geer(me). We were going to call ourselves, "THE SNOT ROCKETS," but that was when we were going to be a poppy-punk band. Now we want to go more toward the punk-melodic hardcore-emo stuff. So that name doesn't go well with it. And plus, we found out there's already a band with that name. We are now called "CLUB FOOT." Please keep us in your prayers as we attempt to write songs. Also, look for the band "SNEAK ATTACK" which Nate and Kirby are also in as well as Odi (Destin Pewitt), and Poop and John from Crock Pot Oatmeal. These guys are cool so you'd better go to one of their shows! Also, this page can now be found at this URL: (this is so that our webpage address is easier to remember).
Club Foot is:
Nate Iversen: drums
Dan Geer: Guitar and Vocals
Josh "Kirby" Biehler: Bass and Vocals
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If you have any questions about anything(our music, booking us for shows, Christianity, etc.), or if you just want to say hi, email us at:
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The Sidekick Salvation Official Homepage was created by Dan Geer
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