Thanx for stopping by. Basically this site is a place for my family and friends to see how I'm doing, what I'm doing, what I look like now, etc. Seeing as how most of the people I care about are about an ocean away, it seemed like a cool idea. I'll try to update it as much as possible with new pictures and maybe some voice recordings, depending on how much time I have and how bored I get. So check back every so often to see what’s new! Till soon!!

January 05, 2001- At last, some new photos!! I went to the states in September, Georgia and Puerto Rico to be exact. It was great to see my brother and sisters again, and of course my parents, but it was waaaay to friggin' hot for my little German soul. I must've lost 10 pounds in sweat while I was there. But I had an absolute blast while I was there. Anyways, I'm turning in two rolls of film from December and New Years Eve today or tomorrow, and I'll post the less explicit ones as soon as I can.
July 25, 2000-The new pics are finally up. I had to rescan all of them because I had scanned them at a way to high quality and they ate up all my space. So now the quality is a little worse, but oh well. If you really want a certain pic, let me know and I'll e-mail a better copy to you.
If you want to know more about me...
Four pics from around Thanxgiving 2001.
Some pics of me and my buds. These were all taken the summer of 2000.
Some more pictures of me and some of my friends and relatives.
And finally, here are somecheesy links.
- To get in touch with Frankie Heidingsfelder, (that's me) and for comments and suggestions for the site, write to
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