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Below you'll find links to every kind of internet music store imaginable. Whether
you're looking to buy compact discs, tapes, vinyl, new or used, you can find it here. Plus links
to hard-to-find items like promos, autographs, posters, shirts, stickers, and much,
much more.
All stores are grouped by category for your convenience. I've made notes about
certain stores whether it be from personal experience or second-hand knowledge. I don't
endorse or work for any store in particular, and, as with any commerce, experiences
will vary. All stores are located in the United States unless otherwise noted.
Good luck and happy shopping!

Largest music stores on the web. Unmatched customer service.
Watch for sales.
Promos, etc.
Southland CD
Great selection of promos, especially for popular artists.
Promo CD
Based in Germany. Mainly Euro imports.
Used CD's
Second Spin
Probably your best bet for used cd's. Relatively large selection,
updated daily. They also buy used cd's, and at pretty reasonable rates.
Used CD
Large selection.
Compact Discovery
Nice selection of cd's--new and used. Personalized service.
T-shirts, Posters, etc.
Burning Airlines
T-shirts, posters, stickers, books and more.
Cassette Tapes
Impact Music
Vinyl Vendors
Vinyl Tap Records
Based in the United Kingdom.
Specializes in dance music.
Vendor Sites
Global Electronic Music Marketplace
Huge web listing of vendors from all over the world. Great for
used vinyl, promos, and other elusive items. Vendor reliability may
vary. Do your homework.
Goldmine Magazine
Music magazine with vendor listings and ads for all types of music-related
items. Good source for hard-to-find or out-of-print, deleted merchandise.
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